Fluoroquinolone Toxicity Syndrome: How Antibiotics Affect Mitochondria
You may have come across my videos or read on my website about fluoroquinolones causing mitochondrial dysfunction, which leads to a variety of symptoms. In this blog post, I'll break down the process of how and why fluoroquinolones kill both bacteria and mitochondria, as well as the implications for your body. Additionally, I'll explain the role of mitochondria in your body, their location, and why they are so important.

Antibiotics and Their Bacterial Targets
Fluoroquinolones are a class of antibiotics, and each class kills bacteria in a unique way. For instance, penicillin, which most people are familiar with, destroys the bacterial cell membrane, making it impossible for the bacteria to survive. Over time, bacteria developed resistance to penicillin and other antibiotics. As a result, fluoroquinolones were created to combat these resistant bacteria by attacking their DNA. The fluoride in fluoroquinolone molecules enables this process, as it has an affinity for bacterial DNA.
Understanding DNA and Its Role in Cells
Every cell in your body, as well as every bacterium and mitochondrion, contains DNA. DNA informs the cell about its identity and function. Without DNA, cells start to malfunction and eventually die. Fluoroquinolones latch onto the DNA and inhibit replication, which spells doom for the cell. To illustrate this, imagine making a thousand copies of an original photo, each with a slight degradation. While you might not notice a difference between consecutive copies, comparing the original to the thousandth copy reveals a significant drop in quality. This is what happens to cells when there's an issue with DNA replication.

Fluoroquinolones Can't Tell the Difference Between Bacteria and Mitochondria
Research indicates that mitochondria were once bacteria. At some point during evolution, bacteria within cells became beneficial to humans and eventually evolved into the mitochondria found in our cells today. As you can imagine, this means bacteria and mitochondria still share many similarities. They are the same size, reproduce in the same manner, and both have their own DNA arranged loosely within the cell membrane.
The Abundance of Mitochondria and Their Vulnerability
Thousands of mitochondria are present in each cell within the human body. Some organs, like the heart, contain even more of them, as they are always active and require more energy to function. However, mitochondrial DNA is more exposed compared to the DNA inside a cell's nucleus, which is tightly packed around histones and organized into chromosomes. In contrast, mitochondrial DNA floats freely within the mitochondria, making it less secure and more vulnerable. And, as mentioned earlier, mitochondria bear a striking resemblance to bacteria.

The Function of Mitochondria and Their Vulnerability
Unfortunately, fluoroquinolones, which are designed to kill harmful bacteria and treat illnesses, can't differentiate between harmful bacteria and your mitochondria. They attack mitochondrial DNA, inhibiting replication. Without DNA, the mitochondria can't perform their essential function: producing energy. ATP synthesis, or energy production, is the primary role of mitochondria. If your mitochondria are affected, it will impact energy production, which in turn affects the cell, then the organ, and ultimately, you.
Factors Damaging Mitochondria and Their Impact
There are several ways in which mitochondria can be damaged. Chronic inflammation, aging, or being "Floxed" are examples of factors that can harm your mitochondria. Additionally, damaged mitochondria can affect various cells throughout the body. Nerve cells, for instance, rely on mitochondria to function. So do your small intestine and mucus membranes. Every cell in your body contains mitochondria – not just one or two, but hundreds to thousands. Therefore, when you experience symptoms like leaky gut, dry mouth, or neuroinflammation, it could be due to mitochondrial damage.

Fluoroquinolones Affect You on a Cellular Level
The purpose of this blog post is to emphasize that when you take fluoroquinolones, they profoundly impact your body at the cellular level. The mitochondria, which produce energy for your cells, and their DNA are being damaged or destroyed. These medications are highly absorbable and can easily penetrate the membranes of our cells and the membranes of our mitochondria.
Timestamp of YouTube video [0:00] Dr. Hugh Wegwerth [0:30] Different classes of Antibiotics [3:15] Mechanism of Fluoroquinolones [4:33] Bacteria and Mitochondria are very similar [6:04] How Fluoroquinolone affects the Mitochondria function [6:40] The heart had the most mitochondria [7:33] Mitochondria are loaded with DNA [8:33] DNA in the nucleus is way safer than DNA in the mitochondria [8:48] Fluoroquinolones don't know between bacteria and your mitochondria. [9:45] this is why people can get all these weird symptoms because it affects the mitochondria. [10:00] Damage in your central nervous system causes anxiety, depression, heart racing, and sweating. [10:27] So if your DNA gets if your mitochondria get affected [10:45] This is on the mitochondria membrane [11:15] DNA, mitochondria, the mitochondrial DNA is making sure that those cell membranes are healthy. [11:45] reduces ATP production, increases free radical damage, which causes more damage and cells, aged cells. [12:30] ATP production. This mitochondria is not producing energy like this. [12:45] mitochondria that have been damaged by [13:15] damaged mitochondria. [13:35] Nice, normal, healthy mitochondria. [14:30] one little muscle fiber cell, mitochondria. [14:45] mitochondria and affecting the DNA