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Chi Machine Benefits for Fibromyalgia, Chronic Pain & Neuropathy Relief
Discover the Chi Machine's benefits for fibromyalgia, chronic pain, and neuropathy relief. Boost energy, blood flow, and overall well-being.
2 min read

Low-hanging fruit to get well! Low Blood Pressure & Low Blood Sugar: Start Feeling Well
If you don't feel well, these two solutions could be easy treatments. Make sure your blood pressure and sugar aren't negatively impacting yo
3 min read

Martha's Healing Story
Our first zoom call Martha was the walking DEAD. But even at 71 years old, it's never too late for healing.
1 min read

Zee's Journey: Fluoroquinolone Toxicity Treatment Success
Our story begins with a severe health crisis. After practical steps and dietary adjustments, Zee's symptoms reduced and she recovered.
2 min read

Beat the Odds: How Tami Conquered 20 Years of Fluoroquinolone Toxicity!
Despite their efforts to find answers for two decades, it wasn't until Tammy joined my program that she experienced a rapid recovery.
2 min read
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