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Have you had a workup like this? 52-year-old female that is REALLY suffering!

Let’s examine a case study of a particular woman to see how getting a complete lab workup can help guide your healing.

Female, 52 years old, suffering from the following problems:

- Contracted COVID-19 twice (never vaccinated)

- Thyroid problems for many years

- Diverticulitis

- Chronic fatigue

- Bad back

- Nerve damage

- Shakes

- More

Looking at a walkthrough her labs can give us a very clear view of what was causing many of her problems, and helped us find solutions to her suffering.

As we examined her symptoms and diagnoses, it became clear that many of her issues were neurological in nature. Leaky gut, leaky brain, and autoimmune issues were among the largest (though not sole) culprits.

Examining her blood work, we found her globulin levels were fairly low. This is a sign that her immune system was very worn down. Her triglycerides and glucose levels indicated issues with blood sugar regulation, as did her heightened levels of hemoglobin A1c. Pregnenolone levels were drastically reduced to around 30, when they should be closer to 150.

Dr Hugh Wegwerth Best chiropractor Rosemount Minnesota, Apple Valley Minnesota,

Her DHEA and vitamin D levels were also quite low.

Dr Hugh Wegwerth Best chiropractor Rosemount Minnesota, Apple Valley Minnesota,

Her thyroid hormones were very high, despite being on a thyroid medication for many years. Research shows that many thyroid issues are actually caused by autoimmune diseases, which the conventional medical system never actually looked for.

Fasting insulin levels were highly elevated, which is a pro-inflammatory hormone. It is sort of like having small glass shards floating through your system, and often is overlooked by the conventional system. Polytherapy approaches to medicine can help us come up with a set plan to address multiple issues at once, and reduce inflammation.

Dr Hugh Wegwerth Best chiropractor Rosemount Minnesota, Apple Valley Minnesota,

We ended up plugging her numbers into a software which will color code these readings and tell us which readings are within the normal range, above/below optimal range, above/below standard range, and alarmingly high or low. This software then gives us a basic explanation of what is happening with those concerning ranges.

This information helped guide us to find a working polytherapy approach to help this woman improve her health and relieve many of her symptoms.

And all of this serves to prove my point that a polytherapy approach is your best chance at ending your suffering. I am here to help you, so do not hesitate to reach out to me so we can work together to find solutions to your problems, and to find the root cause of your issues. We can always find a way to improve your God-given ability to heal your body.


yellow, red and hot pink are BAD!

Dr Hugh Wegwerth Best chiropractor Rosemount Minnesota, Apple Valley Minnesota,

Dr Hugh Wegwerth Best chiropractor Rosemount Minnesota, Apple Valley Minnesota,

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