Identifying Mold Infections
Mold infections can be deceptively elusive when it comes to diagnosing chronic conditions. Sadly, the conventional medical system often overlooks mold as a potential cause of these persistent problems. Yet, if you happen to be plagued by a mold infection, treating your underlying conditions becomes an uphill battle of monumental proportions.
Finding Mold in Your System
Allow me to illustrate this phenomenon with a memorable case study. One of my former patients, a retired nurse who had suffered from a chronic condition for decades, sought my expertise to explore a polytherapy approach for her ailments. Intrigued, I conducted a comprehensive array of tests, including an extensive blood analysis and an organic acid test using a simple urine sample.

Upon reviewing her test results, a startling revelation emerged. Her gliotoxin levels skyrocketed to an astonishing 25,539, far surpassing the recommended threshold of 200. This astronomical figure signified an alarmingly high concentration of mold within her body.

Furthermore, we detected elevated levels of Arabinose—a type of yeast—measuring an alarming 95, while the ideal range should be below 29. Yeast produces alcohol as a by-product, which can manifest symptoms akin to those experienced after consuming alcoholic beverages, such as brain fog and fatigue.
Other Important Markers
Additionally, we sought to identify markers associated with inflammation, a common consequence of mold infestations. Mold has an uncanny ability to incite or exacerbate inflammation throughout the body. By uncovering potential additional sources of inflammation, we could devise a more comprehensive strategy to address the mold infection effectively.

In her case, the organic acid test revealed an exceptionally high C-Reactive Protein level of 72.13, whereas a healthy range should ideally fall between 0 and 3. Remarkably, heightened levels of this particular protein marker correlate with an increased risk of cardiovascular events, including heart attacks.
Furthermore, we noticed that her blood sugar levels teetered on the cusp of pre-diabetes. Notably, her ferritin levels—an iron marker associated with inflammation—were excessively elevated, indicating an abnormal surplus of iron stored in her body. To compound matters, fibrinogen, a final inflammatory marker we examined, exceeded the upper limit by more than twofold.
The Importance of Polytherapy
It bears mentioning that this patient had spent decades working as a nurse within the confines of the conventional medical system. Curiously, none of these markers had received the attention they deserved during her tenure in the medical field.
This serves as a stark reminder of the criticality of adopting a polytherapy approach that transcends the limitations of the standard system. Our bodies are complex entities with a multitude of intricacies, necessitating a comprehensive exploration of potential root causes behind our ailments. In the case of this patient, our customized plan paved the way for her remarkable healing journey.
If you find yourself grappling with a mold infection, chronic inflammation, or a perplexing undiagnosed condition, do not hesitate to reach out to us. Together, we can forge a personalized path to reclaiming your well-being.