BRAIN - Dr. Hugh Wegwerth
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145 items found for "BRAIN"

  • Understanding the Cerebellum: A Key Player in Balance and its Connection to Gluten

    Introduction: Exploring Brain Health and Function Welcome back to our informative blog series dedicated to unraveling the mysteries of brain health and function. As we grow older, our brains also age, potentially leading to concerns such as compromised balance and They possess the expertise to help restore your brain's functionality and halt further degeneration. Remember, your brain deserves utmost care and attention.

  • Do you get anxiety when you're in crowded place or from bright lights?

    Your brain is getting overstimulated Does movement and lights cause anxiety? Unhealthy brain = MORE depression More solutions to fix pain. Schedule a call with Dr.

  • Putting the Brakes on Neuropathy: Understanding the Role of Mold

    Blood-brain barrier disruption: Mold can impact the blood-brain barrier, which in turn affects neuropathy When the blood-brain barrier is compromised, your body may perceive more pain because the brain's ability

  • Beat Neuropathy: 4 Essential Labs You Need to Know for Effective Treatment

    Discover the 4 Must-Know Labs for Neuropathy In my years as a functional medicine expert, I've guided countless individuals on their journey to overcome neuropathy. Dealing with neuropathy requires a comprehensive approach, combining multiple solutions to address your unique challenges. While I often recommend conducting a broad range of lab tests to pinpoint the root causes of your symptoms, there are four crucial labs that I consistently advise my patients to prioritize when it comes to neuropathy. If you're currently battling neuropathy, don't hesitate to reach out to me. Together, we can develop a customized treatment plan to eliminate your neuropathic pain and allow you to reclaim the activities you love, whether it's playing with your kids, enjoying a game of golf, or engaging in other cherished pastimes that neuropathy has been robbing you of. Lab 1: Mold A substantial number of individuals suffering from chronic neuropathy are plagued by mold infections in their system. These infections can stem from exposure to mold that occurred as far back as a decade ago. Mold presence in your body triggers persistent inflammation. This inflammation impedes your nerves' ability to receive vital nutrients and hampers their normal functionality. Consequently, neuropathic symptoms arise. Throughout my practice, I've encountered patients with alarmingly high mold levels. Working together, we've successfully eliminated the mold infection, leading to the disappearance of their symptoms. When undergoing this lab analysis, it's crucial to strive for mold levels as close to zero as possible, although anything below 200 is considered ideal. Lab 2: Fasting Insulin Elevated insulin levels contribute to nerve degeneration. Imagine insulin as shards of glass coursing through your bloodstream, triggering significant inflammation. As I mentioned earlier, inflammation can lead to nerve degeneration and dysfunction, which are the hallmarks of neuropathy. Given the close connection between insulin levels and overall inflammation within your body, it becomes imperative to measure fasting insulin as a key marker during lab tests. Optimal fasting insulin levels should range between 5 and 6. Lab 3: C-Reactive Protein C-Reactive Protein serves as a crucial marker, indicating the levels of inflammation present throughout your body. Ideally, the concentration of this protein should be less than 1. However, I've encountered patients with levels surpassing 13. By addressing the underlying issues that contribute to elevated C-Reactive Protein, we've successfully lowered their markers and alleviated their neuropathy symptoms. Lab 4: Homocysteine Homocysteine serves as a marker that can cause damage to your blood vessels and capillaries. This damage impairs your body's ability to provide essential nutrients and maintain the health of your nerves, ultimately leading to degeneration. While high levels of homocysteine can be attributed to genetic factors as well as lifestyle choices, a healthy individual should strive to maintain homocysteine levels between 5 and 6. Elevated levels of this marker can indicate potential harm to your circulatory system, necessitating prompt treatment. By conducting these four crucial lab tests, you'll gain valuable insights into the underlying causes of your neuropathy. Armed with this knowledge, we can devise an effective treatment plan tailored to your unique situation, ensuring a successful journey towards lasting relief.

  • Stop Neuropathy In Its Tracks: The Role of Homocysteine in Nerve Damage

    Stop Neuropathy In Its Tracks: The Role of Homocysteine in Nerve Damage If you're dealing with neuropathy, you know how debilitating it can be. The constant numbness, tingling, and pain can take a toll on your daily life. But what if I told you that there's one critical marker that you need to check to stop neuropathy in its tracks? That marker is homocysteine, and I'm going to show you why it's so important. The Importance of Nerve Health Your nerves are like the lifeline of your body. They help you feel sensations, control movements, and perform essential functions. But when your nerves are damaged, it can lead to a whole host of problems. And that's where homocysteine comes in. The Role of Homocysteine Homocysteine is an amino acid that's produced by your body when you digest protein. While it's a necessary component of your body's processes, high levels of homocysteine can wreak havoc on your nerves. And when your nerves are damaged, it can affect your quality of life in significant ways. Nerve Damage from High Homocysteine Here's what can happen when your homocysteine level is above six: Your nerves can die: Homocysteine is a direct neurotoxin, which means that it can cause nerve cells to die. And when your nerves start dying off, it can lead to significant problems. Your arteries can get damaged: When your homocysteine level is high, it can cause endothelium dysfunction, which means that your arteries can't deliver the proper oxygen and nutrients to your nerves. This can lead to further damage to your nerves, exacerbating your neuropathy symptoms. Your cells can't detoxify: High homocysteine can cause cell damage, which can lead to poor cell detoxification. And when your cells can't detoxify properly, it can further exacerbate your neuropathy symptoms. Your myelin sheaths can become damaged: High homocysteine can cause defects in methylation, which can affect the myelin sheaths that cover your nerve cells. When your myelin sheaths are damaged, it can lead to poor nerve function and increased neuropathy pain. You can experience inflammation: Homocysteine can cause inflammation in your body, which can further damage your nerves and exacerbate your neuropathy symptoms. Monitoring Your Homocysteine Level As you can see, high homocysteine levels can have a significant impact on your nerves. So, it's crucial to get your homocysteine levels checked regularly and take steps to keep them within the healthy range. The lab range is 0 to 14.5, and the sweet spot is 5 to 6. If your homocysteine level is above six, it's time to take action. Conclusion In conclusion, neuropathy can be a debilitating condition, but you don't have to suffer in silence. By understanding the role of homocysteine in nerve damage and taking steps to keep #neuropathyawareness #neuropathytreatment #nervepainrelief #homocysteine #healthylifestyle #healthyhabits #wellnessjourney #healthtips #selfcare #healthandwellness #healthyliving #healthandfitness #healthandwellnesscoach #healthandwellnessjourney #healthandwellnessblogger #healthandwellnesscommunity #healthandwellnessmatters #healthandwellnessblog #healthandwellnesstips #healthandwellnessproducts #healthandwellnessbusiness #healthandwellnessforall #healthandwellnesscoachlife #healthandwellnesscenter #healthandwellnesscoaching #healthandwellnessprogram

  • Elevate Mental Clarity with Intermittent Fasting: A Deep Dive

    Our brain is designed to enter a heightened state of clarity when we're hungry to aid our quest for sustenance Shifting Fuel Sources: The Power of a Clean Energy Brain - Intermittent fasting induces a metabolic switch Picture your brain as a vehicle. A pristine, more efficient brain engine powered by a clean fuel source that amplifies mental clarity. It's like giving your brain a high-octane boost.

  • Unraveling How COVID-19 Affects Various Tissues

    Will it break into your brain? Only time will tell. If it manages to infiltrate your brain, the key turns. We have our weaknesses - brain fog, gut issues, you name it. If you had brain fog and the virus unlocked access to your brain, chances are your foggy head won't clear

  • The Science Behind Red Light Therapy: Research-Backed Health Optimization Strategies

    Unleash the Power of Light Energy for a Healthier You Step into the innovative world of health optimization and experience the marvels of red light therapy, also known as photobiomodulation. This cutting-edge technology employs the use of specific light frequencies to bestow a plethora of health advantages. Harness the Potential of Red Light Therapy From improving skin health, enhancing muscle recovery, and body contouring to boosting mental clarity, athletic performance, and even sexual prowess, red light therapy reveals a promising frontier in the health and wellness sector. And let's not overlook its efficacy in alleviating joint pain and promoting sound sleep and relaxation. Research-Backed Evidence and the Power of Photobiomodulation The Science Behind the Light – an Abundance of Research With close to 3000 research articles available on PubMed, an exhaustive database of scientific literature, photobiomodulation is certainly not a pseudoscientific phenomenon. Its proven efficacy is backed by a multitude of research studies. Photobiomodulation and Photosynthesis - A Comparable Process This light-based therapy could be seen as the human version of plant photosynthesis, where light energy is harnessed and used to produce various beneficial substances. Specifically, the mitochondria of human cells thrive on this light energy. The Magic of Mitochondria and ATP Production The Mitochondrial 'Solar Panels' and ATP Production At the core of this cellular process are solar panel-like structures within our mitochondria, known as chromophores. Positioned at the cytochrome C oxidase, they play an instrumental role in the production of ATP, our body's primary energy currency. Charge Up with Red Light Therapy Red light therapy effectively charges these 'solar panels' within our mitochondria, resulting in augmented ATP production and ultimately leading to higher energy levels. The Role of Nitric Oxide in Energy Production Nitric oxide, when tightly bound to mitochondria at stage four, can hinder the oxygen necessary for ATP production. Red light therapy ingeniously displaces this nitric oxide, enabling oxygen to enter and facilitate increased energy production. Fluidity Matters – Water's Role in ATP Production Besides, red light therapy also helps make water within cells and mitochondria more fluid. This fluidity eases the strain on the ATP pump and promotes ATP production. The Influence of Wavelengths on Red Light Therapy A Rainbow of Benefits – The Effect of Different Wavelengths The visible light spectrum ranges from 380 to 700 nanometers, with near-infrared light stretching between 800 to 1000 nanometers. These wavelengths penetrate the skin, reaching the mitochondria, and each possesses specific health benefits. Specific Wavelengths for Specific Benefits For instance, some wavelengths are adept at reducing inflammation, improving bone healing, enhancing muscle recovery, and even diminishing lines and wrinkles. The Light You Need – Red Light Therapy for Chronic Conditions In cases of light deficiency, chronic conditions, or chronic illnesses, red light therapy provides the body with the necessary light it craves, supporting overall health and well-being. Time-efficient Therapy Sessions Red light therapy sessions are typically brief, usually around ten minutes, and can be applied to both the front and back of the body. Penetrating the skin, reaching the mitochondria, and exciting the blood, this therapy offers an array of health benefits, all in a matter of minutes. Schedule a call with Dr. Hugh now to start getting the care you deserve to feel better.

  • Unleashing the Power of the Glymphatic System: An In-Depth Look

    Simply put, it's your brain's immune system in action. Its job? So if you've been dealing with brain fog, fatigue, concussions, or a leaky brain due to gut issues, chances So, a good night's sleep isn't just for your beauty—it's for your brain too. Physical activity keeps your brain's lymph in motion. 3. They're fantastic for ensuring the smooth flow of lymph in your brain. 4.

  • Unraveling the Mystery: How High Homocysteine Levels can Affect Your Cognitive Health & Inflammation

    amino acid might not be part of your daily chatter, but its levels can wield a colossal impact on your brain's Interpreting the Homocysteine-Blood Brain Barrier Connection High homocysteine levels? Your brain's protective shield, the blood-brain barrier, is put on red alert. invitation for any inflammation floating around in your blood to cross this barrier and wreak havoc in your brain So, any score above this range is a blaring siren of your blood-brain barrier turning into a leaky sieve

  • Magnesium L Threonate helps with sleep, anxiety and depression!

    This particular type of magnesium is unique in that it's able to cross the blood-brain barrier and promote relaxation in the brain by increasing the production of GABA, a calming hormone. By calming the brain, this supplement can ease symptoms of anxiety and depression. magnesium, such as magnesium malate, magnesium glycinate, or magnesium citrate, which can't cross the blood-brain

  • Unveiling the 4 Incredible Benefits of Caprylic Acid: A Truth Over Coconut Oil

    The Wonder Solution: Bulletproof Brain Octane Now, let me introduce you to a magic potion I wholeheartedly endorse – bulletproof brain octane. Defender Against Brain Degeneration Thirdly, it stands as a mighty protector against brain degeneration

  • Greg's Dysautonomia exam!!! Fluoroquinolone Toxicity exam. "This is affecting my WHOLE life!"

    [52:00] There is a way to fix my brain, YES [52:20] Up to this point, I had no answers [52:30] you have

  • Unraveling the Symptoms of Dysautonomia

    Are you struggling with bizarre neurological symptoms that have doctors scratching their heads? Bounced from one neurologist to another, only to be left in the dark? Let me shed some light on a little-known condition called Dysautonomia. What is Dysautonomia? Straight from the Cleveland Clinic, Dysautonomia is a group of medical conditions stemming from a glitch in your autonomic nervous system, the control center for every cell in your body. When it goes haywire, you're left with peculiar neurological symptoms no one can seem to explain. The Prevalence of Dysautonomia Now, hold on to your hats – the Cleveland Clinic estimates a staggering 70 million people are grappling with Dysautonomia around the world. It is not rare, but still not treated seriously by all doctors. So if you're battling bizarre, unexplained neurological issues, chances are Dysautonomia is the sneaky troublemaker behind the scenes. Dysautonomia Can Have Wide Range of Symptoms Dysautonomia symptoms run the gamut, from blood pressure rollercoasters, breathlessness, and digestive drama, to erratic heart rates, kidney snafus, eye dilation, ear complications, and wonky body temperatures. Any of these sound familiar? Don't Despair – Help is Available for Dysautonomia Sufferers If Dysautonomia has got you in its crosshairs, don't despair. Reach out to me, and I'll set you up with a specialized quiz on my website that'll help pinpoint the extent of your Dysautonomia woes. Spread the Word If you've found this information eye-opening, do me a favor – like, comment, and share it with someone else who's had enough of this neurological wild goose chase. #dysautonomia #dysautonomiaawareness #dysautonomiainternational Schedule a call with Dr. Hugh now to start getting the care you deserve to feel better.

  • Discover the Power of Over-The-Counter Progesterone for Balancing Female Hormones!

    Reclaim Your Hormonal Harmony and Conquer Common Symptoms Are you tired of battling the exhausting effects of hormonal imbalances? Look no further! We have the solution you've been searching for. Our incredible product is designed to restore balance to your hormones and provide relief from a wide range of troublesome symptoms. Say goodbye to fatigue, night sweats, osteoporosis, hot flashes, sweating, and painful sexual intercourse. It's time to take control of your well-being and embrace a life free from these pesky discomforts. Say Goodnight to Sleep Disturbances Struggling with sleep disruptions? Hormonal imbalances can wreak havoc on your ability to get a good night's rest. Whether you find yourself waking up too early or battling insomnia, our product can help restore tranquility to your nights. Imagine waking up refreshed and energized, ready to conquer the day ahead. Don't let hormonal imbalances rob you of the rejuvenating sleep you deserve. Regain Control of Your Menstrual Cycle Menstrual irregularities can throw a wrench in your plans and leave you feeling frustrated. Our powerful product can assist in regulating your menstrual cycle, addressing issues such as the absence of menstruation or irregular cycles. No more unpredictability or unpleasant surprises. Take charge of your body and enjoy the predictability and regularity you've been longing for. Unlock Your Emotional Well-Being Hormonal imbalances not only affect you physically but also take a toll on your emotional state. Bid farewell to anxiety, irritability, mood swings, and reduced sex drive. Our remarkable product helps restore emotional balance, allowing you to experience a renewed sense of calm, stability, and overall well-being. Don't let hormonal fluctuations dictate your mood any longer. Experience the Transformation Ready to say hello to a life where hormonal imbalances no longer hold you back? Our product is here to help you embark on a journey towards hormonal harmony. Experience the transformative power of over-the-counter progesterone as it alleviates your symptoms and restores balance to your body. It's time to reclaim your vitality and embrace a life of well-being, inside and out. Don't wait another day! Try our over-the-counter progesterone product and rediscover the joy of balanced hormones. Schedule a call with Dr. Hugh now to start getting the care you deserve to feel better.

  • Conquer Neuropathy's Grip: Regulate Insulin and Revitalize Your Nerves!

    Introduction: Unmasking the Sinister Effects of Neuropathy Are you fed up with neuropathy's relentless assault on your life? It's time to pull back the curtain and expose the truth. Take a gander at this eye-opening illustration, which reveals the insidious nature of neuropathy. On the left side of the image, there's a depiction of a foot – your foot, to be exact – with a sinister red zone that highlights the site where nerves are withering away and inflicting pain. Shift your focus to the right side of the image, and you'll spot the actual physical nerve, sprinkled with tiny red specks. These ominous dots represent the dying and decaying myelin sheath, a prime accomplice in neuropathy's reign of terror. The Fasting Insulin Test: Your Secret Weapon Against Neuropathy It's time to unveil a critical test you absolutely must take – the fasting insulin test. In the accompanying visual, you'll find the insulin levels of one of my clients, indicated by a red arrow pointing at a staggering 41.8 – a level that's off the charts. For reference, the standard insulin level range spans from 2.6 to 24.9, with research suggesting that the sweet spot lies between 5 and 6. High Insulin Levels: The Five Horsemen of Nerve Destruction Scientific research has unmasked high insulin levels as a key instigator of five harmful effects, which include: 1. The Inflammation Inferno: Skyrocketing glucose levels fan the flames of inflammation, ultimately incinerating nerves and causing irreparable damage. 2. AGEs: The Silent Assassins: Advanced glycation end products (AGEs) are stealthy proteins lurking in your bloodstream, waiting for the perfect moment to strike and wreak havoc on your nerves. 3. The Relentless Siege of Chronic Inflammation: High insulin levels wage a continuous war of attrition, engulfing your body in inflammation and creating a stronghold for diseases like neuropathy to fester and thrive. 4. The Stranglehold on Blood Flow: By constricting blood circulation to tissues in your extremities, like your hands and feet, high insulin levels only serve to tighten neuropathy's grip on your life. 5. The Downfall of the Myelin Sheath: Finally, the myelin sheath, the guardian of your nerves, is left defenseless and in ruins as high insulin levels cause it to crumble and decay. Final Thoughts: Rally the Troops and Spread the Word Empower Others to Battle Neuropathy: If this information has armed you with valuable insights, don't keep it to yourself. Rally your comrades by liking, commenting, and sharing this content with those you care about. By spreading awareness, you can help others join the fight against neuropathy and march toward a healthier future. #neuropathy #neuropathysupport #neuropathytreatment #neuropathyawareness #neuropathywarrior #neuropathyfighter #neuropathypain #neuropathysurvivor #neuropathycommunity #neuropathysucks #neuropathyhope #neuropathyhealing #neuropathyeducation #neuropathyrecovery #neuropathysolutions #neuropathyresearch #neuropathyrelief #neuropathycauses #neuropathysymptoms #neuropathyjourney #neuropathydiet #neuropathymovement #neuropathyblog #neuropathyexercises #neuropathywellness #neuropathyexercise

  • 3 Tips to Sleep Like a Baby 👶

    The L-Threonate compound allows magnesium to cross through the blood brain barrier. If your phone is too close to you during the night, those waves emitting through your brain can disrupt

  • Unraveling the Mystery Behind Post Concussion Mayhem: Discover the Hidden Culprit, Dysautonomia

    The Science Behind Mild Traumatic Brain Injuries and Dysautonomia Let's roll up our sleeves and dig into Studies have shown that even a mild traumatic brain injury, like a concussion or getting your bell rung

  • Understanding Neuroinflammation: Symptoms, Causes, and Effective Treatment Approaches (Part 4)

    Infections, such as bacterial or viral infections that invade the brain 2. Autoimmune disorders, in which the immune system mistakenly attacks healthy brain tissue 3. Traumatic brain injuries, which can cause an inflammatory response in the brain 4. Read more from the Neuroinflammation series: Part 1 Brain on Fire Part 2 Brain on Fire Part 3 Brain on Fire Part 4 Brain on Fire

  • Non-optimal Iron Status and Dementia

    Dementia usually causes brain damage in different ways and affects people with unique symptoms. atrophy (shrinking brain). Low Iron Levels and Brain Fog Iron deficiency at anemic levels could be a major cause of brain fog in Iron is required to transport oxygen through the human body and brain. Such shortages result in brain fog and cause significant impairment in previously-easy functions.

  • Neuropathy and CRP Lab Testing: A critical look at the link between nerve damage and inflammation

    Unraveling Neuropathy: CRP Lab Testing and Effective Treatment Strategies Understanding Neuropathy and Its Impact on the Nervous System Neuropathy is a condition characterized by nerve damage or dysfunction, leading to pain, weakness, and numbness in affected areas. As illustrated in this image of the leg, the large red dots depict areas where neuropathy is present, signifying that the nerves are beginning to deteriorate. The pink region on the right displays the actual nerve, with dark red patches indicating degeneration and decay. The Crucial Role of the C-Reactive Protein (CRP) Test in Neuropathy Management The CRP test is a critical tool in understanding and managing neuropathy. By measuring the levels of CRP, an inflammatory marker, healthcare professionals can assess the severity of inflammation and potential underlying causes. For instance, one client's initial CRP level was a staggering 224, which was successfully reduced to 3.93 after only eight weeks of targeted treatment. Key Insights from Research on Elevated CRP Levels and Neuropathy Research has provided valuable insights into the implications of high CRP levels for individuals with neuropathy. The following are some of the most significant findings: 1. Inflammation: Elevated CRP levels indicate the presence of inflammation in the body, which can accelerate nerve degeneration compared to a body without inflammation. 2. Underlying Metabolic Issues: High CRP levels could signal underlying metabolic problems, such as autoimmune diseases. Identifying and addressing these potential causes is essential in managing neuropathy effectively. 3. Vascular Damage: High CRP levels can result in damage to the arteries in your fingers and toes, which are often the areas most affected by neuropathy. 4. Immune System Overactivity: When CRP levels are high, the immune system becomes overactive, leading to an attack on your nerves and further exacerbating neuropathy symptoms. Empowering the Neuropathy Community with Knowledge and Treatment Options By understanding the critical role of CRP lab testing in neuropathy management, individuals suffering from this condition can take a proactive approach to their health. By identifying and addressing the underlying causes of neuropathy, healthcare professionals can develop effective treatment strategies to minimize symptoms and improve the quality of life for those living with neuropathy. #neuropathy #neuropathysupport #neuropathytreatment #neuropathyawareness #neuropathywarrior #neuropathyfighter #neuropathypain #neuropathysurvivor #neuropathycommunity #neuropathysucks #neuropathyhope #neuropathyhealing

  • Unraveling the Connection between Vitamin D and Neuropathy Relief

    Introduction: The Power of Vitamin D in Combating Neuropathy Vitamin D, often referred to as the sunshine vitamin, has been hailed for its numerous health benefits. But did you know that it could also play a pivotal role in alleviating neuropathy symptoms? In this article, we'll explore how this humble hormone may prove to be a game-changer in your fight against neuropathy. Neuropathy: A Brief Overview What is Neuropathy? To better understand neuropathy, let's take a closer look at its underlying mechanism. Imagine your leg covered in large red dots, signifying areas where neuropathy is beginning to manifest. These dots represent nerves that are gradually dying. Upon examining the nerve fiber, you'll find smaller red dots, indicating the deterioration of the myelin sheath, ultimately causing neuropathy symptoms. The Critical Role of Vitamin D in Neuropathy Management The Importance of Optimal Vitamin D Levels One of my clients, for example, had a strikingly low vitamin D level of 6.3, compared to the normal lab range of 30-80. Ideally, if you're dealing with neuropathy, your vitamin D levels should be around the sweet spot of 80. Below, we'll discuss the four main ways that optimal vitamin D levels can positively impact your body and neuropathy symptoms. 1. Vitamin D and Myelin Sheath Repair Vitamin D is essential for maintaining and repairing the myelin sheath. As previously mentioned, the degradation of the myelin sheath is a significant contributor to neuropathy. Without sufficient vitamin D, your body will struggle to repair the myelin sheath, exacerbating neuropathy symptoms. 2. Vitamin D's Role in Immune System Regulation Your immune system is heavily influenced by your vitamin D status. Insufficient levels of vitamin D can lead to a dysregulated immune system, which may begin attacking your nerves and worsening neuropathy. Maintaining optimal vitamin D levels can help ensure a balanced immune response, reducing the likelihood of nerve damage. 3. Pain Modulation and Vitamin D Vitamin D is also crucial for modulating pain. If your vitamin D levels are suboptimal, your pain receptors become more sensitive, causing you to perceive pain more intensely. This heightened pain perception can aggravate neuropathy symptoms, making it even more essential to maintain proper vitamin D levels. Conclusion: The Importance of Vitamin D for Neuropathy Relief In summary, maintaining optimal vitamin D levels can significantly improve your neuropathy symptoms by promoting myelin sheath repair, regulating your immune system, and modulating pain. If you or a loved one is experiencing neuropathy, it's vital to keep an eye on your vitamin D levels and take necessary steps to ensure they remain in the sweet spot. Share this information with friends and family to help spread awareness about the connection between vitamin D and neuropathy relief. #neuropathy #neuropathysupport #neuropathytreatment #neuropathyawareness #neuropathywarrior #neuropathyfighter #neuropathypain #neuropathysurvivor #neuropathycommunity #neuropathysucks #neuropathyhope #neuropathyhealing

  • Unleash the Power of Your Vagus Nerve: Transform Your Gut Health with These Exercises!

    Your brain's condition can actually affect the health of your gut. of the gut-brain axis in patients with chronic gut complaints. health to support and improve the gut-brain axis. It is important to note that 90 percent of the brain's output passes through the brainstem. This concept applies to any part of the brain.

  • My Morning Keto Smoothies for people who have food sensitivities

    Collagen and MCT powder Chocolate Greens Brain Octane Coconut Milk Fish oil Nitric Balance As I have A diet filled with healthy fats provides better health for your brain and mitochondria, and decreases The first main ingredient in my smoothies is a product by Bulletproof called Brain Octane. First I add some brain octane and super greens to the blender. These shakes will help brain function, decrease inflammation, and help your body perform the functions

  • Take this DYSAUTONOMIA Exam!

    Because this condition affects your brain’s ability to automatically perform tasks, you might see symptoms The problem is in your brain but shows symptoms in your organs and systems, including your: Heart Blood syndrome Dizziness Migraines Dysautonomia, the Midbrain, and the Cerebellum The central portion of the brain The cerebellum alone has more neurons than the rest of your entire brain combined and acts as a sort of “gatekeeper” between the brain and the body.

  • Chi Machine Benefits for Fibromyalgia, Chronic Pain & Neuropathy Relief

    Experience Relief from Fibromyalgia, Chronic Pain Syndrome, or Neuropathy with the Chi Machine Are you suffering from fibromyalgia, chronic pain syndrome, or neuropathy? If so, you might find relief by using a unique device called the Chi machine. I've worked with many clients who have experienced phenomenal results by incorporating the Chi machine into their daily routines. In this blog post, I'll explain how the Chi machine works and outline the benefits it can provide. Buy a machine on eBay What is the Chi Machine? The Chi machine is a device designed to move your feet gently back and forth, simulating a gentle motion. When using the Chi machine, your feet are moved at a rate of approximately 144 times per minute. Remarkably, just 15 minutes on the Chi machine is equivalent to taking a 90-minute walk. The Benefits of Using the Chi Machine By incorporating the Chi machine into your daily routine, you can experience a range of health benefits. These benefits include: 1. Relaxing muscles and nerves: The gentle motion of the Chi machine can help relax tense muscles and soothe irritated nerves, providing relief from discomfort associated with fibromyalgia, chronic pain syndrome, or neuropathy. 2. Increasing energy flow: The repetitive motion of the Chi machine can help stimulate energy flow within your body, promoting overall well-being and vitality. 3. Enhancing oxygenation and blood flow: The Chi machine's gentle rocking motion can help improve circulation, delivering oxygen and nutrients deep into your body's tissues. 4. Promoting overall oxygenation: Regular use of the Chi machine can support your body's oxygenation process, which is crucial for maintaining good health and promoting healing. How to Try the Chi Machine If you're interested in trying the Chi machine to help alleviate symptoms related to fibromyalgia, chronic pain syndrome, or neuropathy, you can often find used devices at affordable prices on various online marketplaces. Investing in a Chi machine could be a valuable addition to your healing journey and overall wellness routine. See if these powerful Chi machine benefits work for you! In conclusion, the Chi machine is a unique and beneficial tool that can provide relief for individuals suffering from fibromyalgia, chronic pain syndrome, or neuropathy. By incorporating the Chi machine into your daily routine, you can experience a range of health benefits and take a proactive step towards improving your overall well-being. If you found this information helpful, please share it with a loved one who could benefit from trying the Chi machine.

  • Unlock the Magnesium Miracle: Discover the Power of an Essential Mineral

    blame, as many people aren't consuming enough magnesium-rich foods like leafy greens, nuts, and whole grains Magnesium Threonate: Unique in its ability to cross the blood-brain barrier, it may enhance cognitive

  • Living with Lupus & Sjogren's: Jacki's Incredible Healing Journey from Chronic Pain to Renewed Life

    The Struggle of Living with Lupus Diseases In 2006, Jacki, a vibrant woman, was hit with the devastating diagnosis of lupus and Sjogren's syndrome. Her once active life came to a standstill. Every corner of her body was invaded by persistent inflammation - so severe that slipping rings on her fingers became an impossibility and shoes seemed like custom-made torture devices. Each day was a battle, not against an external enemy, but her own body. Mundane activities like walking, waking up in the morning, or simply getting through a normal day became excruciating trials. An Unexpected Detour: When Life Takes A Twist & Best Herbal Treatments for Lupus Her medical team's response was a cocktail of potent drugs: methotrexate, a common chemotherapy agent to suppress the immune system; naprosyn to battle the inflammation; and Tylenol to numb the pain. Prednisone also became a constant companion over the years. The issue? This treatment protocol wasn't a cure. It wasn't even a fix. It was a mere smokescreen, a band-aid on a deep, festering wound. Jacki was determined to break free from this pharmaceutical prison. But every attempt to escape was met with fierce resistance from her symptoms, leading her back to the very medications she longed to leave behind. Daily Battles: When The Body Turns Foe & Diet Recommendations for Lupus Patients Confusion and despair clouded her path, until she came to us. We embarked on a comprehensive analysis of her situation, initiated detailed bloodwork, and uncovered potential root causes that had long remained hidden. An action plan was devised - a health journey aimed at rectifying the root of her issues rather than merely shadowing them. The results? Nothing short of dramatic. Light At The End: The Game-Changer & Natural Anti-Inflammatory Supplements for Lupus. Today, Jacki greets each morning with a surge of energy and a rejuvenated spirit. She proclaims, "I have a ton of energy for my kids. I teach, and I'm loving life." She continues to express her awe, "It's been wonderful. I never knew that something so simple could make such a difference in my health, in how I feel about myself, and everybody is noticing how different I look." Jacki’s Sunrise: A Life Reimagined & Natural Strategies to Reduce Lupus Inflammation Her metamorphosis didn't stop at physical wellbeing. Nights once plagued with pain became serene. Her hair grew lusher. An improved ability to focus propelled her through her daily tasks in a timely manner. "I was sluggish, and I was slow," she admits. Depression, another silent enemy she battled with medication, began to fade away. Today, she confidently states, she no longer needs those pills to navigate her day. Jacki’s Call to Action and Promise of Hope Jacki advocates beginning with a free seminar. She was weary of her compromised health and decided to take charge, attending a seminar with her husband. "It's like an hour and a half, 2 hours of your time. And I was blown away with what I had been doing that was making me sick. I had no idea." Her healing journey has not only changed her life but also positively impacted her family. Her story stands as a beacon of hope for others facing similar battles. We believe that together we can design health plans that improve your life quality just like Jacki's. Don't hesitate to reach out if you're grappling with health issues - we're here to co-create a robust health solution with you.

  • The Best Magnesium Powder? My wife and I compare different magnesium powders for you.

    relaxation Nervous system regulation: regulating neurotransmitters, which send messages throughout your brain

  • Is Your Mood Disorder Linked to Poorly Managed Hypothyroidism?

    A thyroid hormone deficiency can cause multiple brain-based symptoms. health, brain immune cells called neuroglia, and the blood-brain barrier. some Hashimoto’s patients to develop brain autoimmunity. This inflames and degenerates the brain and can cause depression. brain much more prone to inflammation, thus causing depression.

  • Ultimate Carnivore Protein Shake | Perfect Blend of Protein, Carbs, and Healthy Fats

    Body Bio Phosphatidylcholine : Essential for cell membranes and brain function. DHA : A type of fat from fish oil, crucial for brain health.

  • Anxiety after taking antibiotics? See why!

    of our brains” myth. However, the brain doesn’t use all of its potentials to complete tasks at any time. That means some parts of the brain will remain dormant until it has to fulfill its role. Gaba is needed to STOP in the brain. With the alteration, floxies will have more brain functions activated to perform any task.

  • Floxed & Fighting: A 71-Year-Old Lady's Courage Against Chronic Mold Infections

    signs to watch out for are chronic conditions that don't respond well to treatment and the notorious brain Decoding the Brain Fog Puzzle Brain fog is a valuable clue indicating the presence of a mold infection Certain molds, such as yeast, produce alcohol that enters your system and induces a brain fog similar

  • Unveiling Cholesterol: The Unseen Hero of Optimal Health

    Whether it's the neurons in your brain, the hepatocytes in your liver, or the keratinocytes in your skin Nurturing Brain and Nervous System Health Cholesterol is pivotal for maintaining a robust brain and a It serves as an essential component for nerve conduction and brain health, contributing to your cognitive

  • Unmasking the Hidden Connection: COVID-19 and Autoimmune Diseases

    Your Body versus the Virus Imagine a virus sneaks into your bloodstream and makes a beeline for your brain Here's the kicker - the virus is a dead ringer for your brain tissue. Your immune system might start attacking your own tissues - say, your brain tissue - if those virus-fighting This doesn't just stop at the brain - it could occur in your lungs, gut, or muscles.

  • Are Cholesterol-lowering drugs (statins) dangerous?

    Just like every other cell in your body, your brain cells need cholesterol to function. Taking a medication that reduces your cholesterol levels also reduces them in the brain, causing significant They used PET imaging to track the health of the brain, and showed that statin users had a significant decline in the metabolism of the posterior cingulate, or the portion of your brain known to decline The cingulate is a very important part of the brain.

  • Boost Your Nervous System Health with the Power of Fish Oil

    Brain Function: DHA is a major component of the brain's cell membranes, playing a vital role in cognitive function, memory, and overall brain health. 3. Health with Fish #FishOil #NervousSystem #MyelinSheath #EPA #DHA #Neuropathy #Fibromyalgia #ChronicPain #BrainHealth

  • Can the Jab Cause Autoimmune Disease?

    And when you get the vaccine and all of a sudden your body's massively inflamed, you have brain fog, It might be seeing three brains when there’s obviously only one. Others may be mild symptoms, like brain fog. The test looks for the antibodies mentioned earlier. How is your blood brain barrier? Part 1 Brain on Fire Part 2 Brain on Fire Part 3 Brain on Fire Part 4 Brain on Fire Do You Have an Undiagnosed

  • Microscopic Mayhem: How COVID-19 Breaches Human Barriers

    These barriers include the gut, the brain, the lungs, and the sinus cavities. Anatomy of a Barrier: Unveiling the Hidden Defenses Picture this: on your left, you see an image of the brain This represents the blood-brain barrier, a shield that is only one cell thick and prone to degeneration

  • Floxie Hope: Dr. Nasi MD's Journey and Treatment for Fluoroquinolone Side Effects

    The Gut-Brain Connection: A Crucial Component in Addressing Fluoroquinolone Toxicity Dr. includes a ketogenic diet, gut-friendly supplements like berberine and probiotics, magnesium, fish oil, brain-boosting a perfect blend of perseverance, a tailored approach, and a keen understanding of the critical gut-brain

  • Getting Bloated, Gas, Constipation or Diarrhea After Eating? Could Be Lack of Digestive Enzymes

    critical aspects of restoring your health, whether you have an autoimmune disease, fibromyalgia, or brain Unfortunately, peptides in your blood could end up in your muscle or brain before being "flagged" by This can result in the immune system attacking your muscle or brain because of the presence of the peptide

  • Powering Hormones: The Crucial Role of Mitochondria in Hormone Production

    While the brain, liver, heart, kidneys, muscles, gastrointestinal tract, and lungs consume the majority When mitochondria function declines, the brain experiences a decrease in sex steroids like estrogen and These symptoms may include fatigue, mood swings, brain fatigue, anxiety, joint and lung diseases, indigestion When mitochondria function poorly, there is a decline in the production of sex steroids in the brain,

  • Triumph Over Ciprofloxacin: A Comprehensive Guide to Fluoroquinolone Toxicity Treatment

    He shares his struggles with Ciprofloxacin's adverse effects like brain fog, intense fatigue, tingling The Hidden Struggles of Being Floxed Karrie recounts the negative impact on his brain due to this potent His symptoms, including the tingling, rapid heartbeat, and brain fog, started to fade.

  • Uncovering the Hidden Dangers of Antibiotics: Madeleine's Journey to Recovery from Fluoroquinolone's

    Madeleine started experiencing several side effects, including joint pain, muscle spasms, weight loss, brain She can walk without pain, sleep for 12 hours, and has no more brain fog, food sensitivities, or noise

  • Unmasking Hypothyroidism: The Hidden Autoimmune Culprit

    attack your thyroid, can also set their sights on your cerebellum, tucked away at the back of your brain The Cerebellum: Your Brain's Unsung Hero Hold on, we're getting there. Picture your brain.

  • Signs Of Magnesium Deficiency

    Magnesium, along with calcium, potassium, chloride, and sodium are all electrolytes, needed for our brain Animal research notes that it may be the most effective type for increasing magnesium concentrations in brain Magnesium L-threonate is often used for its potential brain benefits and may help manage certain brain

  • Download the Ketogenic Meal Plan

    It can fuel most of the brain’s energy needs along with organs and muscles and represents approximately

  • Overcoming Fluoroquinolone Toxicity: Sherri's Inspiring Journey to Triumph!

    protagonist, Sherri, found herself battling an onslaught of health challenges, from the confusion of brain Hugh's regimen, Sherri began experiencing profound improvements - brain fog cleared, constipation became

  • Long Covid Uncovered: Facts, Figures, and Your Road to Recovery

    Neurological nuisances: Problems with thinking, concentration issues, brain fatigue, headaches, sleep disorders – your brain’s on overdrive, and not in a good way!

  • Chronic Fatigue, Hair Loss, & Dizziness: Could Low Blood Pressure Be The Culprit? A Detailed Review

    Inadequate blood flow to the brain can cause fatigue, brain fog, and even nausea. Tracking your blood pressure while sitting and standing can help evaluate how well your brain functions concussions or chronic inflammation, it's essential to seek professional medical treatment to ensure proper brain

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