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57 items found for "autroimmune"

  • The Autoimmune Paleo Lifestyle (AIP)

    Autoimmune Paleo Diet (AIP): Which One Should You Choose? this blog post, we'll discuss the key differences between two popular diets: the paleo diet and the autoimmune The paleo diet and the autoimmune paleo diet (AIP) both focus on whole, nutrient-dense foods, and eliminate The Autoimmune Paleo (AIP) Diet The autoimmune paleo diet (AIP) is a more restrictive version of the paleo diet, designed to eliminate additional foods that may trigger autoimmune reactions.

  • Unmasking Hypothyroidism: The Hidden Autoimmune Culprit

    Around 90% of those diagnosed with a hypothyroid condition are actually dealing with an autoimmune disease Don’t be left in the dark, step up and see if you're grappling with Hashimoto's - an autoimmune disease

  • In pain? Try this diet! The AIP (Autoimmune Paleo Diet)

    Try the Autoimmune Paleo Diet Understanding the Autoimmune Paleo Diet The Autoimmune Paleo Diet is a What Foods to Eat on the AIP Diet The Autoimmune Paleo Diet focuses on nutrient-dense, whole foods that honey and maple syrup Foods to Avoid on the AIP Diet The following foods should be avoided while on the Autoimmune Nightshades (eggplants, tomatoes, peppers) Processed foods Benefits of the AIP Diet for Chronic Pain The Autoimmune Conclusion If you suffer from chronic pain and have tried various diets without success, the Autoimmune

  • Shocking Truth: Why Autoimmune Diseases Are the New Silent Killer!

    Autoimmune Mysteries Revealed Many people are unknowingly suffering from an underlying autoimmune disease Interestingly 75% of all autoimmune patients are women. What Causes Autoimmune Disease? What Forms Can Autoimmune Disease Take? Causes of Autoimmune Disease There are a wide range of causes of different autoimmune diseases. Pylori. - Hormone imbalances Treatment Options for Autoimmune Disease With autoimmune diseases

  • Can the Jab Cause Autoimmune Disease?

    About autoimmune disease Twenty-three million Americans suffer from autoimmune disease, and of them 78 What happens in a body with autoimmunity? So if you have one autoimmune disease, there's a probability that you have three or four other autoimmune an autoimmune condition. What can be done to combat autoimmune disorders?

  • Understanding the Importance of Your White Blood Cell Count for Autoimmune Diseases

    These consequences include an increased risk of autoimmune diseases , autoimmune diseases themselves, The Link between White Blood Cell Dysregulation and Autoimmune Diseases Individuals with autoimmune diseases Some common causes of low white blood cell counts include autoimmune diseases, low vitamin D levels, [00:14:45] different autoimmune diseases, diseases you could have a [00:15:00] White blood cell [00:15:45] sweet spot, I like it to be 5.0 to 6.5 right here [00:17:00] You might have an autoimmune

  • Unmasking the Hidden Connection: COVID-19 and Autoimmune Diseases

    Viral infections, they've found, might trigger autoimmune reactions if parts of the virus are a dead The Hidden Consequence: From COVID-19 to Autoimmune Disease It means this: if you've battled COVID-19 and aren't feeling fully recovered, you could unknowingly be grappling with an autoimmune disease. The Autoimmune Backfire: A Battle on the Homefront So, when your immune system whips up antibodies to Autoimmune Diseases: An Underestimated Aftermath of Viral Infections So, post-viral infection, autoimmune

  • [URGENT] Think you have an Autoimmune Disease? This Video is a MUST-WATCH!

    Dear Health Seeker, Are you tired of feeling sick, drained, and hopeless, suspecting an autoimmune disease Let me introduce you to this mind-blowing video revealing a powerful, advanced autoimmune panel that This cutting-edge test scans for 24 different autoimmune diseases targeting your body's specific tissues Hundreds of my clients, who were told they don't have an autoimmune disease, have found answers with Take a look at these astonishing results: Yellow and Pink markers indicate serious autoimmune problems

  • Unlocking the Connection Between Autoimmune Diseases and Collagen-Induced Chronic Pain

    In this article, we will explore the connection between autoimmune diseases and collagen, shedding light The Prevalence of Autoimmune Diseases Did you know that autoimmune diseases affect more than 23 million Furthermore, autoimmune diseases are estimated to cost a staggering 100 billion dollars to treat in the Despite this, research funding for autoimmune diseases lags far behind that of cancer, with only 591 million dollars allocated for autoimmune disease research, compared to 61 billion dollars for cancer

  • Covid 19 Long Haulers and Autoimmune Disease

    Long-Haulers and Autoimmune Disease – Where is the link? If Patient B has any autoimmune disease against any of the human tissues that can be affected by the COVID-19, their autoimmune problem will get significantly worse because of the vaccine. All the symptoms of long-haulers can correlate with symptoms of autoimmune diseases. It is certainly possible that we could see an enormous spike in autoimmune diseases in the next 5-10

  • Unmasking the Hidden Connection between Women, Chronic Illness, and Autoimmune Disease

    It's time to unveil the hidden link between women, chronic illness, and autoimmune diseases. A staggering 80% of all autoimmune diseases affect women, and research suggests that many chronic conditions may be autoimmune in nature. The Autoimmune Enigma: What exactly is an autoimmune disease, and how does it stealthily wreak havoc A plethora of autoimmune diseases that masquerade as everything from thyroid disorders to fibromyalgia

  • Unveiling the Impact of Positive Connective Tissue Autoimmunity: Insights from Recent Lab Tests

    In this informative article, we delve into the profound implications of positive connective tissue autoimmunity Correlation Between Autoimmunity and Connective Tissue Problems. Understanding the Impact of Connective Tissue Autoimmunity The recent laboratory findings shed light on the impact of positive connective tissue autoimmunity on the client's health. The correlation between the autoimmune response against the heart and arthritic peptide, mold exposure

  • Controlling Inflammation: The Secret Weapon Against Autoimmune Diseases | Pre vs Post Lab Results

    Turning the Tables on Autoimmune Disease through Inflammation Control It's no secret that inflammation is a significant player in the development of autoimmune diseases. Consider the example of a client who overcame her autoimmune disease by addressing inflammation. The Journey from Positive to Negative: Autoimmune Disease Under Check (ANA) At the same time, we kept an eye on the client's autoimmune disease status.

  • Unraveling the Autoimmune Puzzle: Overcoming Diagnostic Challenges and Finding Solutions

    The Elusive Nature of Autoimmune Diseases Many individuals suffering from autoimmune diseases spend years The medical community struggles with understanding the complexities of autoimmunity and implementing The Autoimmune Journey: A Three-Stage Process Autoimmune diseases are challenging to diagnose because autoimmune attacks. Medical Education and Autoimmune Diseases The medical community's limited understanding of autoimmune

  • They wanted to CUT ✂️ my thyroid OUT. Thyroid saved! Autoimmunity solved!

    Do you know what's inside your body, keeping you ticking like a clock? One tiny thing is your thyroid, and it's really important. For many people, it doesn't work quite right. But there's hope! Let's dive into an amazing story about a special person who beat the odds and found a different way to make her thyroid healthy without using something scary like radiation therapy. Stick with me, and let's uncover her inspiring adventure. The Road to a New Kind of Medicine: A Big Change The Start of Something Special Meet a woman with a big heart, always helping people feel better. She had problems with her thyroid but didn't want to do what the regular doctors said. She wanted something different, something better. One day, she saw an ad for a special meeting about something called functional medicine. It was just what she was looking for! It talked about the exact problems she had, so she went to the meeting. It changed everything for her. Finding Out What's Really Going On: A Different Way to Heal A Surprise Discovery Guess what? She had something called Graves' disease. It was different from what the first doctor said. But instead of using radiation therapy, she picked functional medicine. It's all about treating the whole body, not just one part. With a new kind of doctor to guide her, she started feeling better, step by step. In just one year, everything about her health was getting better. And guess what? Her thyroid stayed right where it was! Amazing Changes: It's More Than Just Medicine Big Results from Small Steps She worked hard and stayed strong, and guess what happened? She felt so much better! No more feeling hot all the time. And even though she wasn't trying to, she lost enough weight to drop four whole dress sizes! Talk about a change for the better! Her new way of living didn't just fix one problem. It made everything better. Now that's something to think about! Spreading the Word: Helping Others Find the Way One Story Can Change Lives Now, she's a shining light for others, showing that there are other ways to get better. Her story tells people that functional medicine can help with thyroid problems and much more. No need for radiation therapy when there's a whole new path waiting for you! A New Hope: There's Always Another Way What a story! A brave woman beat her thyroid troubles with something new and exciting, called functional medicine. Her story reminds us that sometimes, the regular way isn't the only way. There are other roads to take, ways to heal, and chances to be your very best. Who knows? Maybe this could be the path for you too! Inflamed Thyroid The web of hypothyroidism ~all these need to be addressed All these triggers need to be looked at

  • The Hidden Danger of H. Pylori: Connection to Autoimmune Diseases, Symptoms & Solutions Explained

    Pylori is a bacteria that lives in your gut and can cause a lot of autoimmune diseases in your body Pylori and Autoimmune Disease The research is showing that having an H. Pylori infection is directly connected to a number of autoimmune diseases. The autoimmune diseases most connected to H. Pylori and Autoimmune Disease Connection Research is pointing towards a strong link between H.

  • The Power of the ANA Marker (Antinuclear Antibody): The Unseen Clue of Autoimmune Disease

    It's a screaming warning sign of potential autoimmune diseases. In fact, if one autoimmune condition is present, chances are, there's a whole crew of them lurking in That's the hallmark of a normal ANA result, signaling no autoimmune diseases at play.

  • Nichole's Journey to Remission: How Functional Medicine Transformed Her Autoimmune Thyroid Condition

    Let me introduce you to Nichole - a brave soul who battled with Hashimoto's Disease, a sneaky thyroid autoimmune And there it was - a marker waving a red flag, signaling an autoimmune mischief.

  • Seizure, Brain Fog, Brain Fatigue, Chronic Fatigue. All AUTOIMMUNE confirmed with testing

    Symptoms of Autoimmune Diseases The most common symptoms of autoimmune diseases include: - Lethargy Neurological Effects of Autoimmune Disease Autoimmune diseases can cause a ‘flare-up’ – a burning sensation Weight Gain, Fatigue, and Autoimmune Disease Failure to properly manage autoimmune diseases could lead Tests to Spot Autoimmune Disease A special Multiple Autoimmune Reactivity Screen (MARS) Test is best from a range of autoimmune diseases.

  • H. Pylori infection can cause autoimmune disease like rheumatoid arthritis, Crohn’s disease, Sjogren

    Autoimmune Diseases and H. Pylori: What's the Connection? If you suffer from an autoimmune disease, you may want to consider getting checked for H. Pylori. This is a common bacteria that resides in the stomach and can contribute to various autoimmune conditions This client was also suffering from multiple autoimmune diseases, which is not uncommon. Pylori can play a role in the development of conditions such as inflammatory bowel disease, autoimmune

  • Unexplained Symptoms? Do You Have an Undiagnosed Autoimmune Disease ~Lupus~rheumatoid arthritis~MS

    What is Autoimmune Disease? This is what causes autoimmune symptoms. They can cause severe autoimmune reactions or even a mild, low-grade autoimmune disease. the clinical research shows drugs induce autoimmune disease. What other things increase autoimmune disease?

  • Mastering Your Immune System: A Guide for Covid-19 Long Haulers and Chronic Infection Fighters

    Persistently Ill? The Immune System Could Be the Underlying Issue Are you a Covid-19 long hauler, endlessly wrestling with the virus's aftermath, or finding yourself constantly caught in the grip of bacterial infections? Pause and focus on this information-rich piece. The real villain might be a compromised immune system, and I've got an informative roadmap to help you navigate this complex situation. Visualizing Immune System Struggles: A Comprehensive Guide To simplify this intricate matter, I've crafted a user-friendly, visual guide. At the outset, it highlights potential triggers for a weakened immune system. Further down, it presents six overarching categories of health concerns, each encompassing unique conditions potentially causing your immune system's decline. Microbiome Imbalance: A Prime Suspect First up in our investigation is the issue of microbiome imbalance. If you're experiencing dysbiosis, a lack of microbial diversity, a leaky gut, malabsorption, or are plagued by parasites, you're heading towards a health storm. These disruptions invite the unwelcome duo of micro and macro malnutrition, wreaking havoc on your well-being. Protein Absorption: The Foundation of Immunity In my observations, a common struggle among Covid-19 Long Haulers and chronic bacterial infection victims is impaired protein absorption. Proteins, being the building blocks of your immune system, are crucial. An inability to digest or absorb them significantly weakens your immune defenses. To combat this, I suggest introducing a supplement of broken-down amino acids, the basic units of proteins, to ease absorption and fortify your immune system. Sugar Dysregulation: The Endocrine System's Role Venturing deeper into the health labyrinth, a disturbed endocrine system, typically exhibiting sugar dysregulation, frequently emerges among those battling persistent infections. Regardless of whether your problem is excess or deficient sugar, the outcome remains the same—an undermined immune system. Immune Compromise: A Puzzle with Many Pieces As demonstrated in the guide, the road to immune compromise is littered with a variety of potential stumbling blocks. If you find yourself lost and seeking professional guidance, feel free to get in touch. Leave a comment below or email me. Together, we can strategize a path toward better health. Schedule a call with Dr. Hugh now to start getting the care you deserve to feel better.

  • Blood Brain Barrier Damage Symptoms: What's Behind Brain Fog and Fatigue?

    This isn't just alarming, it’s an autoimmune condition that directly targets brain tissues. ---------

  • Urgent Alert for Hypothyroid Sufferers: Time to Act Now and Get This Revolutionary Lab Test Done!

    Yes, you heard it right, it's an autoimmune disease! The Clear Message: Autoimmune Disease Alert These numbers are shouting out one thing: autoimmune disease The Unseen Dangers: Multiple Autoimmune Diseases at Play But wait, there's more to this alarming truth The conventional medical system fails to address these underlying autoimmune issues, leaving patients I have made it my mission to confront your autoimmune disease head-on.

  • How your Leaky Gut CAUSES Chronic Inflammation!

    Leaky gut , inflammation, and autoimmunity affect your small intestine, which is, roughly, 25 feet long CAN YOU SAY CHRONIC INFLAMMATION AND AUTOIMMUNE DISEASE DEVELOPING?! THIS IS THE CAUSE OF AUTOIMMUNITY. A CONFUSED IMMUNE SYSTEM. When you do this, you decrease your autoimmune response and your inflammation. This is AUTOIMMUNE DISEASE. Here is an analogy I like to use.

  • A Guide to Understanding Your TSH Levels and Thyroid Health

    However, most labs won’t test for autoimmune diseases right off the bat. This is indicative of an autoimmune disease, even Hashimoto’s disease. This is what doctors call an autoimmune disease. How Do You Know If You Have It? Many people with thyroid problems actually have an autoimmune disease, like Hashimoto's. It's a sign that you might have an autoimmune disease like Hashimoto's.

  • Understanding Hashimoto's Hypothyroidism: Causes and Solutions

    Hashimoto's Disease is an autoimmune condition that causes the immune system to attack the thyroid gland However, this approach does not address the underlying autoimmune condition that is causing the hypothyroidism Hashimoto's hypothyroidism is a complex autoimmune condition that requires a personalized approach to By addressing the root causes of the autoimmune condition and reducing inflammation in the body, functional common cause of hypothyroidism [01:30] comes from Mayo Clinic [02:05] Hashimoto's disease. [02:35] autoimmune

  • Getting Bloated, Gas, Constipation or Diarrhea After Eating? Could Be Lack of Digestive Enzymes

    Breakdown and Leaky Gut One of the most critical aspects of restoring your health, whether you have an autoimmune mucosa ensures that the amino acid chain's individual pearls are adequately broken down, preventing an autoimmune The Risks of Global Autoimmunity When the body detects stuck-together amino acid chains, it triggers an inflammatory response that could lead to various autoimmune responses, including fibromyalgia. Do You Have an Undiagnosed Autoimmune Disease? It May be Caused by Antibiotics. (blog)

  • Is Your Mood Disorder Linked to Poorly Managed Hypothyroidism?

    chronic mood disorder, consider asking your doctor to screen for hypothyroidism with a TSH test and for autoimmune Brain Autoimmunity and Hashimoto’s Disease When the immune system attacks the thyroid gland, it is targeting a connection between inflammatory bowel disease and a “leaky” blood-brain barrier in patients with autoimmune also important to screen for TPO and TGB antibodies, as the most common cause of hypothyroidism is autoimmune Do You Have an Undiagnosed Autoimmune Disease? It May be Caused by Antibiotics. (blog)

  • Unveiling the Secrets of Brain Fog and Fatigue: Understanding the Impact of Leaky Brain

    It's crucial to acknowledge that a leaky brain is classified as an autoimmune disease, wherein the body's Unraveling the Influence of Autoimmunity The autoimmune nature of a leaky brain intensifies its impact

  • The Potential Impact of Zinc Supplementation on COVID-19 Pathogenesis

    all immune cells, subjects with suboptimal zinc state have an increased risk for infectious diseases, autoimmune

  • Demystifying Insulin: The Hormone with a Dark Side

    Autoimmune Paleo Diet The first is the autoimmune paleo diet. A unique blend of the prehistoric with a modern understanding of autoimmunity, this diet minimizes inflammatory

  • Demystifying the Dual Immune System: Blood vs Brain - Everything You Need to Know

    This symbolizes the brain after the onset of severe neural inflammation or an autoimmune disease. hard-boiled egg is permanent, the damage to your brain's immune cells from severe neural inflammation or autoimmune

  • The Link Between Chronic Pain and Ferritin: A Simple $5 Blood Test Can Help You Find Relief

    Ferritin – from iron, through inflammation and autoimmunity, to COVID-19 Evaluation of hyperferritinemia

  • The Uncovered Truth Behind Testing and Hashimoto's Disease Recovery

    No one had thought to check for an autoimmune disease, like Hashimoto's, targeting his thyroid. An alarming sign of a severe autoimmune condition. Another vital figure?

  • Have you had a workup like this? 52-year-old female that is REALLY suffering!

    Leaky gut, leaky brain, and autoimmune issues were among the largest (though not sole) culprits. Research shows that many thyroid issues are actually caused by autoimmune diseases, which the conventional

  • Optimize Your Mitochondria: How Methylene Blue, Molecular Hydrogen & More Can Skyrocket Your Energy

    Embrace the Autoimmune Paleo Diet First on the agenda, let's explore your plate. Here's the twist: it should resemble an autoimmune paleo diet. Why so specific?

  • The Hidden Dangers of Gluten-Free Products: A Deeper Look

    higher the glycemic index, the quicker your blood sugar rises, which can cause chronic inflammation and autoimmune Body Chronic inflammation can lead to other diseases, including: Heart disease Cancer Fibromyalgia Autoimmune This can also cause the same chronic inflammation and autoimmune issues mentioned earlier. It can lead to all kinds of problems, like: Heart disease Cancer Fibromyalgia Autoimmune conditions

  • Solving the Mystery Case: Addressing Simple Steps for Healing

    We often uncover autoimmune diseases affecting the thyroid. knowledge leads us down a different treatment path, tailored specifically to address the underlying autoimmune

  • Leaky Brain and the Blood-Brain Barrier

    No other food is more of a trigger for neurological dysfunction and neurological autoimmunity than gluten Unless managed through dietary and lifestyle strategies, chronic inflammatory and autoimmune disorders

  • Unlocking the Hidden Dangers of High Homocysteine: Risks, Prevention, and Health Impact.

    leakage of blood components into different systems, triggering immune responses that may result in autoimmune 45] leaky gut [00:03:35] functional range [00:03:45] major inflammation, [00:03:50] brain fog, autoimmune just assume that if you have high homocysteine [00:12:00] blood vessels [00:12:10] is causing an autoimmune

  • Neuropathy and CRP Lab Testing: A critical look at the link between nerve damage and inflammation

    Underlying Metabolic Issues: High CRP levels could signal underlying metabolic problems, such as autoimmune

  • Unleashing the Power of Nutrition to Boost Brain Health: Dietary Guidelines for Neuroprotection

    And, if you're still wading through the murk of brain fog, an autoimmune paleo diet could be your saving

  • Understanding the Cerebellum: A Key Player in Balance and its Connection to Gluten

    When your body identifies gluten as a foreign substance, it can trigger an autoimmune response that not

  • A Comprehensive Dive into Thyroid Testing: Beyond the Simple TSH

    total, T3 free, T3 reverse, along with two specific antibodies to investigate if there's any lurking autoimmune

  • The Most Powerful Anti-Inflammatory Drink You Can Make at Home Do You Have an Undiagnosed Autoimmune Disease?

  • The Struggles of Living with Dysautonomia

    However, it can be triggered by various factors, including genetic predisposition, autoimmune diseases

  • Are You Worried About Bone Loss? Discover How to Ward Off Osteoporosis

    Finally, consider a general autoimmune test, also known as an ANA test.

  • Leaky Brain linked to Alzheimer's, Multiple Sclerosis, Parkinson's, ALS and Traumatic brain injury🧠

    Elevated levels from these tests may also indicate autoimmune diseases targeting the blood-brain barrier's Additional tests can specifically identify autoimmune diseases affecting various neurological tissues

  • The Silent Killer: How Glyphosate in Food is Affecting Your Health

    Celiac Disease: An autoimmune disorder triggered by gluten, causing damage to the small intestine. 3

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