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208 items found for "red light"

  • Unboxing the Platinum Bio Max 900: Redefining Light Therapy for Enhanced Mitochondrial Function

    A Revolutionary Device for Red Light Therapy Howdy, folks! assistant behind the camera (also known as my better half) and I are diving into the exciting world of light Today, we're unboxing a premium device — the Bio Max 900 from Platinum LED, a state-of-the-art red light Behold the red light therapy in action. The Impact of Red Light Therapy There's a plethora of research backing red light therapy, with evidence

  • Beat Brain Fog and UTIs: The Power of Methylene Blue and Red Light Therapy

    of a dynamic duo in the world of wellness: methylene blue and red light therapy. Following Up with Red Light Therapy About 30 minutes after taking methylene blue, red light therapy is Once it's there, red light therapy can do its job more effectively. light therapy. Methylene blue sets the stage, and red light therapy brings it home.

  • The Unseen Power of Red Light Therapy: More Energy and Better Health

    Uncovering the Secret of Red Light Therapy Ever wondered about the magic behind red light therapy? red light therapy gets to work. It's not your blood making the light red. It's the magic of light therapy. The only light that can penetrate tissue is red light. Red light therapy has a second trick up its sleeve.

  • Supplements Alone Won't Heal You: 7 Steps to Discover the Real Solution

    Diet Considerations Surprisingly, vegetables might not be your best friend. Red Light Therapy Red light therapy can be a game-changer. Especially in a combination therapy, methylene blue and red light therapy can have amazing effects on Red light therapy penetrates your skin and heals your mitochondria, the powerhouse of your cells. Sinus Health If you have chronic sinus issues, it might be affecting your overall health.

  • The Science Behind Red Light Therapy: Research-Backed Health Optimization Strategies

    and experience the marvels of red light therapy, also known as photobiomodulation. Harness the Potential of Red Light Therapy From improving skin health, enhancing muscle recovery, and Charge Up with Red Light Therapy Red light therapy effectively charges these 'solar panels' within our The Light You Need – Red Light Therapy for Chronic Conditions In cases of light deficiency, chronic conditions , or chronic illnesses, red light therapy provides the body with the necessary light it craves, supporting

  • Optimize Your Mitochondria: How Methylene Blue, Molecular Hydrogen & More Can Skyrocket Your Energy

    To dish out six straightforward, effective strategies to kickstart your mitochondria, right here, right It's my go-to, and it might just become yours too. Harness the Power of Red Light Therapy Step five in this mitochondrial revitalization journey: red light Red light therapy is a boon for those tiny power producers, so let's not keep them waiting. All of this might seem like a lot to take in, but don't fret.

  • From Bedridden to Thriving: Misty's Incredible Journey

    Right, I understand that. And you've gone through a lot of testing, right? I remember when we talked, your whole neck was cherry red, and your face was red. And the massager for your gut and red light therapy. How has that been going? Misty: I had red light therapy before, but the chi machine helped even more. If the muscle shows up red, there’s inflammation. I’ve used it on my back, legs, and ankles.

  • The Battle with Fluoroquinolone Toxicity: Trevor's 30-Year Triumph Over Prostatitis

    Trevor's Triumph Over Prostatitis and Fluoroquinolone Toxicity with Red Light Therapy and Methylene Blue His story sheds light on the complexities of dealing with fluoroquinolone toxicity and the challenges Fluoroquinolone Toxicity Test Trevor's journey included innovative treatments like methylene blue and red light therapy, which were critical in his recovery process.

  • Cold Laser Treatment for Achilles Tendon Pain

    Sources: Review of light parameters and photobiomodulation efficacy Brain Photobiomodulation Therapy rec overs structural aspects and regulates mitochondrial homeostasis Photobiomodulation (PBM) is a light therapy that uses red and near infra-red light to induce photochemical reactions in the body on the Cellular Effects During laser therapy, infrared laser light interacts with tissues at the cellular level

  • 3 Red Flags When You're Told 'It's All In Your Head': Time for a New Provider!

    3 Red Flags When You're Told 'It's All In Your Head': Time for a New Provider! Here are three red flags that signal it's time to find a new provider: 1️⃣ Jam-packed waiting rooms: You need someone with the right expertise to get you on the path to recovery. 3️⃣ Indifference: Your Remember, you can get well, but only with the right ally by your side.

  • Do you get anxiety when you're in crowded place or from bright lights?

    Your brain is getting overstimulated Does movement and lights cause anxiety?

  • #1 Top Hack for a Good Night Sleep

    Low blood sugar at night will cause you to wake up Norepinephrine and epinephrine are released at night

  • Floxed & Fighting: A 71-Year-Old Lady's Courage Against Chronic Mold Infections

    Puzzle Brain fog is a valuable clue indicating the presence of a mold infection and can even shed light

  • Warning: Your "healthy" veggie diet might be sabotaging your health! Discover why

    But after 25 years of seeing patients, I've learned that this common belief might not be so accurate. Integrating more meat and selectively choosing fruits and vegetables that are lower in anti-nutrients might Not all vegetables are created equal, and some might be hindering your health rather than helping.

  • This Exclusive, Hard-Hitting Explanation of Dysautonomia Can Only Be Found Right Here!

    a personalized battle plan to drive that threshold back down, returning your nervous system to its rightful

  • Suspect Dysautonomia? This Deep Brain Dive & Quiz May Hold Your Answers!

    Think you might be grappling with Dysautonomia? The Red-Fronted Frontal Lobe First up, painted in red, we have the frontal lobe. That’s right, it’s your personal CEO! The Light Blue Occiput Further behind lies the occiput, bathed in a serene light blue hue. Together, we can shed light on the enigma of Dysautonomia and empower those dealing with this condition

  • Revolutionizing Joint Health: PRP Injection Step-by-Step | From Blood Draw to Knee Recovery

    That's the separating gel, keeping our golden hero apart from the red blood cells. Red Blood Cell Rejects: These guys? We don't need them for this. 🎯 Treatment Target:  PRP Choice: Decided to try PRP on my right knee. Activity Alert: Light activities are good, but no hard-core sports for a bit.

  • The Hidden Link: How CRP Levels Affect Women with PCOS - (part 2)

    Imagine CRP as a red flag your body waves around when it's fighting off something harmful, like an infection Between CRP Levels and PCOS What the Research Says There's this study we stumbled upon that shines a light Picture this: a lab report with a big red arrow pointing to her CRP level at 4.87. Like, comment, and share this insight to spread a little light.

  • Blood Brain Barrier Damage Symptoms: What's Behind Brain Fog and Fatigue?

    Dive with me into the concept of a "leaky brain" and you might find the surprising answers linked to Now, if there are two bold red arrows there flagging "out of range," it's a sign that there's a leak Decoding the Red Flags of Blood-Brain Barrier Damage Symptoms Your blood-brain barrier is akin to the It's a genuine sign that there might be an underlying issue. Ever been gripped by sudden anxiety? They might be red flags hinting at blood-brain barrier damage symptoms.

  • Uncover the Secrets to Beat Fatigue! Hypoglycemia Explained

    It might not just be a busy lifestyle - it could be a sign of hypoglycemia. sugar is maintained between 85-120, regardless of meals. 🚩 3 Warning Signs of Hypoglycemia: Shaky or Lightheaded If missing a meal leaves you feeling unstable, it's a red flag! Dizzy Upon Standing? Feeling light-headed when you stand up is another key symptom. More Energy After Eating? If eating instantly perks you up, it might be more than just satisfying hunger. 👍 Why Recognize These

  • Lab Case ~ 33 year old female in wheelchair from initial damage from the antibiotic ciprofloxacin

    Further symptoms such as low blood pressure, pounding heartbeat, and light and sound sensitivity confirmed See her FULL report here (click here) Reds and Yellow are BAD! 10 Reds 19 yellows Here is a quick 2 minute AUDIO on what you are looking at!

  • Are You Wrestling with Peculiar Neurological Symptoms? It could be Dysautonomia!

    Today, I'll explain a simple home test to determine whether you might have Dysautonomia. The oximeter measures two things: the oxygenation of your red blood cells and, more importantly, your If it increases by more than ten points, you might have Dysautonomia. Step 2: Light Change Test Turn the lights on and off, as the change in light can stimulate brain activity

  • Conquer Neuropathy's Grip: Regulate Insulin and Revitalize Your Nerves!

    the left side of the image, there's a depiction of a foot – your foot, to be exact – with a sinister red Shift your focus to the right side of the image, and you'll spot the actual physical nerve, sprinkled with tiny red specks. In the accompanying visual, you'll find the insulin levels of one of my clients, indicated by a red arrow By spreading awareness, you can help others join the fight against neuropathy and march toward a healthier

  • Neuropathy and CRP Lab Testing: A critical look at the link between nerve damage and inflammation

    As illustrated in this image of the leg, the large red dots depict areas where neuropathy is present, The pink region on the right displays the actual nerve, with dark red patches indicating degeneration client's initial CRP level was a staggering 224, which was successfully reduced to 3.93 after only eight

  • The Must-Have Heart Test: Why You Need to Know About LDL Particles

    Stop Guessing About Your Heart Health You've got heart worries, right? Making Sense of The Results Red Flags and Green Goals You got that test result in hand? If you spot a big, glaring red arrow pointing to a number like 3500? Yikes! That's bad news. See a high-flying red circle? Another red flag, pal. Now, here's where we want to aim.

  • Discover the unseen villain in Long Covid: D-Dimer! Learn about its role in inflammation!

    Recent research (that's right, hot off the press!) Those tiny red dots? They're your hard-working red blood cells. A thicker bloodstream isn’t just an odd fact for your next trivia night. Glance to the right, and you'll see the desired number: below 0.49.

  • Microscopic Mayhem: How COVID-19 Breaches Human Barriers

    Pay close attention to the red arrow - it represents the notorious coronavirus. A few notches above, we spot the green arrow, representing our red blood cells. A Goliath and David Tale: Red Blood Cells Vs. Covid-19 Think about this: a red blood cell outmatches Covid-19 by a hundredfold in size. That's right, it's a hundred times larger than the virus. And yet, that didn't stop the pandemic.

  • Long Covid Uncovered: Facts, Figures, and Your Road to Recovery

    Let's dive right into a quick and simple breakdown: Long Covid is what we call the stubborn after-effects All these are red flags that you're dealing with Long Covid. The Light at the End of the Tunnel: Battling Long Covid If you're wrestling with Long Covid, remember Show your appreciation with likes and comments, and don't forget to share it with a loved one who might

  • Unleashing the Power of the Glymphatic System: An In-Depth Look

    Sounds like something from a sci-fi movie, right? But it's a reality, and it's residing right inside your cranium. The Night Shift: Glymphatic System and Sleep Here's another eye-opener. here is this: On the left, arrows show the sleeping phase, followed by the lymphatic flow, and then a red So, a good night's sleep isn't just for your beauty—it's for your brain too.

  • The Power of the ANA Marker (Antinuclear Antibody): The Unseen Clue of Autoimmune Disease

    Sounds high-tech, right? You bet it is. But what does ANA signify? This marker - when you see it as more than just another lab result - is waving a red flag. It might even be targeting your own cells as if they were harmful invaders. Shocking, isn't it? There it is - the red arrow, pointing at the number one dash 320. This isn't what you want to see. Hit that like button, drop a comment, and share it with someone who might benefit.

  • Unraveling the Mystery of Mitochondrial Health

    Have you ever imagined how your overall well-being might skyrocket if your cells were in prime condition Imagine gazing at a nerve cell, crowded with red arrows pointing at mitochondria. Here's the catch. If your brain and peripheral nervous system are bustling with unhealthy mitochondria, they might be hosting In a stark red circle, this mitochondrion struggles, producing a multitude of harmful free radicals instead

  • Boost Your Testosterone Levels Naturally: The Essential Lab Tests You Need

    That's right, it's skyrocketing, proudly sitting in the top 25% of that normal range. Yes, you heard me right. If, my friend, your homocysteine level creeps above 7, consider it a glaring red flag. The Dangers of Homocysteine Now, let me shine a light on the dangers lurking in high homocysteine levels

  • Carb Overload? Find Out What Your Triglycerides Reveal About Your Diet!

    Think of triglycerides like a secret code that tells you if you're eating the right amount of carbs or you peek at your blood work and see a number higher than 100, especially over 149, it's like a big red flag waving at you, saying, "Hey, you might be eating too many carbs!" Too Many Triglycerides If your triglyceride levels are high, like over 100, it's a sign that there might If not, it might be time to cut back on those carbs.

  • Are You Battling PCOS? Uncover the 11 Telltale Signs

    Dive into this easy-to-understand guide, crafted to shed light on the 11 most common symptoms of PCOS Mood disturbances like anxiety and depression could be your body waving a red flag. 2. PCOS might be complicating your body's ability to handle insulin. 8. PCOS might be affecting you. Time to pay attention. 👉 Ghost Periods  - If your periods are playing hide and seek, it's a red flag

  • Floxie Hope: Dr. Nasi MD's Journey and Treatment for Fluoroquinolone Side Effects

    Hugh Wegwerth, a functional medicine expert, shedding light on a disconcerting incident involving a 45 Red blood cell abnormalities, bacterial infections, inflammation markers, erratic blood sugar levels, recovery from fluoroquinolone toxicity is not merely a distant dream, but a possible reality with the right

  • The Unseen Invader: Antibiotics in Your Dinner

    It might sound bizarre, but here's the truth. Observe the daunting dark red segment marking an alarming 81%. Yes, you read it right! It's a sight of animals packed in cramped conditions, trampling in their own excrement, while being force-fed

  • Unraveling the Connection between Vitamin D and Neuropathy Relief

    In this article, we'll explore how this humble hormone may prove to be a game-changer in your fight against Imagine your leg covered in large red dots, signifying areas where neuropathy is beginning to manifest Upon examining the nerve fiber, you'll find smaller red dots, indicating the deterioration of the myelin

  • Putting the Brakes on Neuropathy: Understanding the Role of Mold

    The red area represents your leg, where neuropathy is beginning to develop. Observe the pink nerve and the dark red blotches, which indicate nerve degeneration and decay.

  • Thyroid Secrets: How High Reverse T3 Levels Could Be Slowing You Down

    What are the Symptoms of a High Reverse T3: The Red Flags So, you've heard murmurs about reverse T3 but Might be a culprit here. Brain fog: Those moments when thoughts seem to escape like mist? Picture driving with your car’s handbrake on – not a smooth ride, right? We could all use a smoother drive in life, right?

  • Understanding the Importance of Your White Blood Cell Count for Autoimmune Diseases

    Lymphocytes Lymphocytes fight against viruses and produce antibodies. On average, red blood cells make up around 45% of the blood composition, while plasma, the fluid containing Remember, there is always a light at the end of the tunnel, and with professional guidance and support [00:15:45] sweet spot, I like it to be 5.0 to 6.5 right here [00:17:00] You might have an autoimmune disease, you might have low vitamin D [00:17:15] might have food sensitivities [00:17:30] People

  • Brain Fog, Anxiety, and Vertigo? How Cerebellum Health Impacts Neurological Disorders

    These could be red flags of cerebellum dysfunction. Reaching problems : You might reach too far or not far enough when trying to grab something. Slurred speech : It might be hard to speak clearly, making your words sound slurred. Wobbly walking : You might walk with a wide stance or have trouble keeping your balance. Thinking and mood changes : Sometimes, it might be harder to pay attention, or you might feel different

  • Unraveling the Mystery of Inflammation and CRP Levels

    Pondering if it might be inflammation? This narrative might be what you're searching for. See that red flag? I sure did. Four Months, One Transformative Journey Now for the twist.

  • Thick Blood Beware: Top 3 Lab Tests to Keep Your Brain Sharp and Inflammation-Free!

    Hold onto Your Seat: A Startling Look at Your Brain's Blood Flow Right before your eyes is an illustration Some of these capillaries are so tiny that they're merely the width of a single red blood cell.

  • Stomach Acid: The Unsung Hero of Your Digestive Enzyme Production!

    The cue for these vital actors to enter stage right? If the pH level isn't right, the stagehands stay put. The consequence? They're your body's distress signals, waving red flags to alert you of a potentially inflamed gut. The underlying issue might be inadequate hydrochloric acid production, resulting in a poorly functioning Like, comment, and share this with someone who might benefit from it. P.S.

  • Controlling Inflammation: The Secret Weapon Against Autoimmune Diseases | Pre vs Post Lab Results

    That's right, brace yourself, because you're about to be blown away by the incredible power of proactive Initially, tests returned a positive result (antinuclear antibodies)—a clear red flag for autoimmune That's right, within a matter of months, the right approach helped the client achieve remission from With the right program, achieving significant health improvements is entirely possible, even in the face

  • Unveiling the Hidden Link: Anemia as the Surprising Culprit Behind Fibromyalgia

    Anemia is a condition in which there is a deficiency of red blood cells or hemoglobin in the blood, which years, several studies have investigated the relationship between anemia and fibromyalgia, shedding light

  • Demystifying Insulin: The Hormone with a Dark Side

    Over on the far left, you'll spot a bold red arrow. You might be wondering why it's depicted with such urgency. Insulin and Your Diet: A Tale of Three Nutrients Now, let's swing our attention to the right of the graph

  • Decoding H.pylori: How it Sabotages Your Stomach Acid & 6 Telltale Signs You're Falling Victim!

    Unexpected Culprit: The Disappearance of Hydrochloric Acid A vital part of your digestive system's crime-fighting Without this vital acid, your stomach's crime-fighting capability is significantly compromised. This isn't your standard after-meal gas; it's a red flag of something far more sinister happening in Difficulty with Bowel Movements Struggling with your bowel movements is another symptom indicating you might

  • The Uncovered Truth Behind Testing and Hashimoto's Disease Recovery

    Some might brush it off as old age but wait a minute. A **big red arrow** pointed to **2250** for thyroglobulin antibodies. The catch?

  • MRI scans with contrast can be very toxic. They use a heavy metal called GADOLINIUM!

    Nausea and vomiting Headache Dizziness Skin rashes or itching Injection site reactions (pain, swelling, redness

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