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59 items found for "sugar"

  • Reactive Hypoglycemia Symptoms and Solutions: Understand and Overcome Low Blood Sugar

    What Is Dangerously Low Blood Sugar? Hello, friends! How Do You Feel When Your Sugar Is Low? The Truth About Blood Sugar Tests You might think, "But my blood sugar's fine, my doctor checks it once Her blood sugar! The Proof Is in the Numbers: Low Blood Sugar Levels Chart By keeping track of her blood sugar, our friend

  • The Secret to Blood Sugar Regulation: Unleashing the Potential of Fiber

    PDF Unveiling the Link Between Fiber and Blood Sugar Blood sugar, an essential element in our bodies, Identifying Symptoms of Blood Sugar Dysregulation When it comes to blood sugar dysregulation, several Waking up with sugar cravings. Cravings for sugar throughout the day. Fatigue after meals. Fiber's Impact on Blood Sugar Rice: Adding 5g of fiber to a serving of rice reduced blood sugar levels Hugh Wegwerth [00:00:05] blood sugar [00:00:40] blood sugar dysregulation [00:00:50] any insulin or sugar

  • What Does A Normal Glucose Response Look Like?

    fully recovered. - Waking up with sugar cravings. - Eat a high-sugar and high-starch breakfast Understanding Your Sugar Regulation Before telling you how to test your sugar levels, it is important to understand what normal sugar levels look like. You may feel like you are on a roller coaster, up and down sugar spikes. You’ll need to buy a blood sugar meter.

  • Why 1 Teaspoon of Sugar in Your Body Matters: Surprising Comparison to Everyday Foods!

    The Startling Fact About Sugar in Your Body Imagine for a moment – how much sugar do you think your body The Hidden Sugar in Everyday Foods Take a regular slice of white bread. Stack two slices, and you’re gulping down 40g of sugar. Throw in some potato chips, and you’re racking up even more carbs and sugar. Why Lowering Your Sugar Load is Non-Negotiable Here's the crux: by managing your sugar intake, you're

  • Sweet Danger: The Shocking Link Between High Sugar Levels and Chronic Inflammation in Your Body

    High Sugar Levels Causing Inflammation in Your Body? Here's What You Need to Know The Link Between Added Sugars and Chronic Inflammation We all know that consuming too much sugar can lead to weight gain and cavities, but did you know that high sugar levels Avoid sugary drinks and processed foods, which are often high in added sugars. In conclusion, high sugar levels, especially in the form of added sugars, can contribute to chronic inflammation

  • Low-hanging fruit to get well! Low Blood Pressure & Low Blood Sugar: Start Feeling Well

    Download PDF Testing for Blood Oxygen Saturation and Blood Pressure At Home (Before Getting Expensive Treatments!) It can be costly to try and work with doctors to diagnose what may be causing your health issues. Problems such as fibromyalgia, brain fog, fatigue, and GI problems can all quickly rack up high bills in doctor’s visits and lab fees. Some health problems require these expensive tests and bills in order to properly identify them. Before you spend thousands and thousands of dollars on stem cell therapy, or other major treatment and diagnostic plans, it is good to check for the “low-hanging fruit.” By that, I mean issues that are significantly cheaper (even free) to test and treat. Some of these low-hanging fruit can even be tested and treated at home! It is important to try and treat the simple issues first. If treating these issues solve your problems, then you may see better results and save a lot of money and time in the process. Two Low Hanging Fruits To Check At Home For this example, it is best to have a small, affordable gadget called a pulse oximeter, which is affordable to purchase on Amazon. I have tried many different brands, and this is my favorite one. BUY HERE In this example, we need to keep track of two things: Your blood-oxygen saturation, or making sure you have enough oxygen in your blood. Making sure your blood pressure is high enough to ensure your blood is being pumped deep into your tissues (a process called perfusion). The ideal blood pressure is 120/80. If your blood pressure is low, then blood will not have enough pressure to help your blood perfuse deep into the tissue in your extremities (in particular your legs). Your entire body also needs the oxygen carried by the blood. It is very important to check both of these levels. 1. Oxygen Levels When your blood passes through the lungs it becomes saturated with oxygen, which it then carries throughout the body to the different cells. This oxygen is dispersed and used by the cells. To take a reading with a pulse oximeter, place the device on your finger. You can hold your hand in any comfortable way. I have found the best readings come when you place your hand palm-down on a tabletop with your arm bent, similar to taking a blood-pressure reading. When I test my own readings, and I get (for example) a reading of 96, that means I have 96% oxygenation in my red blood cells. I find the readings can vary slightly, so I recommend doing multiple readings on multiple fingers. When I switch to different fingers, I get readings like 98% or 97%. Most charts will say that 95% oxygen saturation is “normal,” but I prefer to see this number at 97% or higher. Under 96%, your blood may not be carrying enough oxygen where it needs to go. Low oxygen saturation can indicate problems such as an iron deficiency. Too little iron can be a symptom of anemia, but you can have low iron levels without being anemic. Since iron is what carries and delivers oxygen throughout the body, low iron levels mean lower oxygen saturation. 2. Blood Pressure The ideal blood pressure is 120/80. Any reading less than that means your cells are not getting the ideal amount of oxygen, since the blood cannot be pushed deep enough into the tissues. Blood pressure monitors are also relatively affordable on Amazon. I recommend this one by LAZLE. BUY HERE Low blood pressure can result in the following conditions: Dizziness Lightheadedness Fainting Dehydration and unusual thirst Blurred vision Nausea Cold, clammy, pale skin Rapid shallow breathing Fatigue Depression Lack of concentration (brain fog) Checking your blood pressure regularly can help narrow down the cause of some of your issues before resorting to expensive testing and treatments. If your blood pressure is consistently high, please reach out to me to discuss potential causes and treatment options. Conclusion While you may have conditions that end up requiring expensive treatments or tests, it is best to start with the low-hanging fruit options first. Too often people see the top-tier treatment plans and want to pay top-tier prices for them. Those treatments will have a very limited effect on your body if you don’t start with the basic principles and treatments first.

  • Chronic UTIs in a 75-year-old FLOXED female with high glucose!

    Blood Sugar Testing One of the first things we checked were her blood glucose (or blood sugar) levels She was experiencing a spike after every meal, signaling sugar dysregulation. How Blood Sugar Relates to UTIs You may be wondering how blood sugar levels are connected to chronic In fact, sugars are one of bacteria’s favorite foods. These carbs get digested into sugar, which is then passed into the blood.

  • New Protocol for PCOS, Endometriosis, and Painful Periods: Take Control of Your Pain

    and Inflammation Blood Sugar and Inflammation: There is a direct relationship between blood sugar and inflammation, and therefore a relationship between blood sugar and PCOS, endometriosis, and painful Implementing the Protocol: Tracking Blood Sugar Levels Tracking Blood Sugar Levels: Luckily, it is very easy to track your blood sugar levels. sugar.

  • 5 Game Changers You Must Know About Your Achilles Tendon Health

    If your thyroid, blood sugar, or inflammation levels are off, it can stop your tendon from healing. Poor Blood Flow Equals Slow Healing If your blood is too thick due to high sugar levels or inflammation Stick to meat and low-sugar fruits for best results. Step 3: Stabilize Blood Sugar for Consistent Energy Check your blood sugar regularly—before and after Energy Is Key to Tendon Repair Low or high blood sugar interrupts energy flow to your tendons.

  • Debunking Breakfast Myths: The Unexpected Truth about Oatmeal, Banana, and Orange Juice

    Unmasking the Glycemic Index: Your Meal's Sugar Impact To understand the health impact of your breakfast Instead of showing how fast you're going, it reveals how quickly a food transforms into sugar in your , the quicker your sugar levels spike post meal. Even white rice, with an index score of 98, can cause an abrupt surge in blood sugar. These nutrients slow the conversion of food into sugar, making cashews a healthier option.

  • Are You Overdoing Carbs? The Tell-Tale Sign in Your Blood Work is High Triglycerides!

    When you eat more carbs than you should, they turn into sugars in your blood. Now, sugar isn’t just bad for your teeth—it's not great for your insides either. The Sugary Problem and Its Solution Here's where it gets interesting. Your body's way of dealing with this sugar invasion? Your liver steps up, acting like a superhero, and transforms this sugar into triglycerides.

  • 28-Day Paleo Reset Diet Blueprint

    The Paleo Diet focuses on fresh, whole foods, and eliminates unhealthy foods like grains, dairy, sugar Paleo diet include: Grains Dairy Legumes (including peanuts) Processed foods Alcohol Added salt and sugar

  • Carb Overload? Find Out What Your Triglycerides Reveal About Your Diet!

    When you eat a lot of carbs, like bread or pasta, your body turns those carbs into sugar. This sugar then travels in your blood and ends up in your liver. Your liver, acting like a little factory, turns this sugar into triglycerides. Triglycerides If your triglyceride levels are high, like over 100, it's a sign that there might be too much sugar Remember, your body works hard to manage all that sugar, and too much can be a burden.

  • Uncover the Secrets to Beat Fatigue! Hypoglycemia Explained

    This condition, where your blood sugar dips below normal levels, affects many without them even knowing In simple terms, hypoglycemia occurs when your blood sugar (glucose) level falls too low. Your body functions best when blood sugar is maintained between 85-120, regardless of meals. 🚩 3 Warning

  • The Hidden Dangers of Gluten-Free Products: A Deeper Look

    The Glycemic Index, Blood Sugar, and Insulin The Problems of Gluten-Free Foods and the Glycemic Index The higher the glycemic index, the quicker your blood sugar rises, which can cause chronic inflammation Foods with a higher glycemic index are converted much faster, prompting a spike in blood sugar. When your blood sugar level is high, your body leaves your fat stores alone. This number tells us how fast food will shoot up your blood sugar levels.

  • Unlock Health with a $30 Tool: Glucose Meter Guide for Effective Inflammation Management

    By keeping a close eye on your blood sugar, you can gain valuable insights into the state of your body Here's when you should measure your blood sugar: Upon Waking Up Start your day by checking your glucose This measurement will establish a baseline for your fasting blood sugar. 30 Minutes After Eating After This step allows you to gauge the impact of your meal on your blood sugar levels. 2 Hours After Eating This indicates higher-than-desired blood sugar levels, which can contribute to inflammation.

  • "I have been eating clean for months and still cant lose weight!"

    "I have been eating clean/keto/paleo/low carb/etc for months now and my blood sugar/insulin/weight is You still have an insulin issue.....even with "normal" blood sugar......But HOW? Insulin is secreted with all meals/foods that have carbohydrates, as in sugars, greens, processed carbs potency of carbs) by whole food protein like meat, chicken, fish, and is secreted at the same level as sugar the graph shows your insulin goes up each time you eat and doesn't come down as fast as your blood sugar

  • Is Your Mood Disorder Linked to Poorly Managed Hypothyroidism?

    Blood Sugar Fluctuations and Mood Instability Whenever a patient mentions mood instability, my first instinct is to check their blood sugar. This is because blood sugar highs and lows are very common causes of mood fluctuations. and both high and low blood sugar. Perhaps you need to address your gut health, your microbiome, or your blood sugar.

  • #1 Top Hack for a Good Night Sleep

    Low blood sugar at night will cause you to wake up Norepinephrine and epinephrine are released at night

  • Unleashing the Power of Nutrition to Boost Brain Health: Dietary Guidelines for Neuroprotection

    Step 2: Stabilize Your Blood Sugar Hold on to your hats. We're not done yet. It's time to steady the ship – your blood sugar ship, that is. A blood sugar level between 85 and 120 is your gold standard, food or no food.

  • Supplements Alone Won't Heal You: 7 Steps to Discover the Real Solution

    The Triple Threat Approach Sugar Regulation Your blood sugar levels should be between 85 and 120, with If your sugar levels are not stable, you won't get better.

  • PCOS Management: 10 Critical Lab Tests Every Woman Should Know About

    Fasting Insulin: Your Sugar Metabolism Monitor Checking your fasting insulin levels, which should ideally sit between 5 to 6, helps in understanding how your body processes sugar, a key aspect of managing PCOS Hemoglobin A1C: A 90-Day Blood Sugar Recap This marker offers a three-month average of your blood sugar It's like getting a quarterly report on your sugar management. 7. 🎩 Hemoglobin A1C: Aim for 5 to 5.3 – it's your 90-day sugar marker secret weapon. 🍭 Testosterone Checks

  • Mastering Your Immune System: A Guide for Covid-19 Long Haulers and Chronic Infection Fighters

    Sugar Dysregulation: The Endocrine System's Role Venturing deeper into the health labyrinth, a disturbed endocrine system, typically exhibiting sugar dysregulation, frequently emerges among those battling Regardless of whether your problem is excess or deficient sugar, the outcome remains the same—an undermined

  • Unmasking the Hidden Connection between Women, Chronic Illness, and Autoimmune Disease

    Sugar Showdown: Balanced blood sugar levels are non-negotiable.

  • The 4 Everyday Habits That Are Sabotaging Your Brain Health

    These food choices are often high in refined sugars, which lead to a surge in blood sugar levels. The high sugar intake and subsequent insulin response can cause inflammation and oxidative stress, ultimately

  • Master Your Glucose Levels: The Crucial 85-120 Range and How It Impacts Your Health

    Spike Trap Let's say you indulge in a bowl of oatmeal, an apparently healthy choice, but then, your sugar The Domino Effect: Excessive Sugar and Health Havoc Here's a sobering truth: Every known illness thrives in an inflamed body swimming in sugar.

  • Unlocking the Power of Intermittent Fasting: 7 Top Benefits for Your Brain

    Stabilizing Blood Sugar and Insulin Levels: Protecting Your Brain Intermittent fasting can help stabilize blood sugar and insulin levels, both of which play a crucial role in brain health. High blood sugar and insulin resistance can lead to cognitive decline, memory loss, and other brain-related

  • From Type 2 Diabetes to Keto Success: Meet David, the Inspiring Patient Who Transformed His Health

    Additionally, his blood sugar levels dropped significantly, reducing his risk of heart disease and strokes

  • Solving the Mystery Case: Addressing Simple Steps for Healing

    She has been diagnosed with low blood pressure, low blood sugar, and deficiencies in iron and thyroid This simple and affordable test provides insights into her sugar regulation throughout the day. It helps identify if she experiences poor sugar control, which can contribute to her symptoms.

  • Boost Your Testosterone Levels Naturally: The Essential Lab Tests You Need

    Fasting Insulin: The Sugar Response Indicator Now, let's tackle fasting insulin. It measures how your body reacts to the sweetness of sugar and glucose.

  • How to make home brew Kombucha

    WHAT YOU NEED TO MAKE KOMBUCHA~ A SCOBY (Symbiotic Culture of Bacteria and Yeast) Black tea bags Sugar Add 1 cup of sugar and stir to dissolve. Let the tea cool to room temperature.

  • Check out labs of a 38 year old male that was Floxed by Cirpo.

    Comparing Blood Sugar and Vitamin Levels One thing you’ll notice from these labs: a lot of significant A1c is a marker for blood sugar levels. I like to see this number between 5 and 6, so this result tells us the patient has some sugar dysregulation

  • High Insulin Levels: Unraveling the Link to Chronic Inflammation

    Also examining other blood sugar markers in conjunction with insulin levels may point to sugar dysregulation

  • Are You Battling PCOS? Uncover the 11 Telltale Signs

    Sugar Struggles: Insulin Resistance Finding it hard to manage your sugar levels? Learn the 11 big signs like bad acne, hair loss, and sugar issues. Get the facts now!"

  • See labs of a housebound 41-year-old female!

    For most patients, we look at sugar problems, vitamin D levels, and inflammation. Because these are in the normal range, we can say the problem likely was not sugar related.

  • Magnesium Miracle Use: Discover the Power of an Essential Mineral

    Taurate: Your heart's best friend, this form supports heart health, migraines, blood pressure, and blood sugar

  • Unlocking the Gluten Mystery: The Shocking Truth About Non-Celiac Gluten Sensitivity

    going gluten-free for 8 weeks, but be mindful of consuming gluten-free products as they can have a high sugar

  • Chronic Fatigue, Hair Loss, & Dizziness: Could Low Blood Pressure Be The Culprit? A Detailed Review

    -year-old premenopausal woman with several health concerns, including low blood pressure, low blood sugar Customized Treatment for Optimal Results Suppose a patient exhibits low blood pressure, low blood sugar

  • From Bedridden to Thriving: Misty's Incredible Journey

    Did you do Epsom salt baths and eat something at night to monitor your blood sugar? A lot of people wake up at 3 a.m. because their sugar levels drop. Your blood sugar and blood pressure.

  • Signs Of Magnesium Deficiency

    Research suggests that adequate intakes of taurine and magnesium play a role in regulating blood sugar Thus, this particular form may promote healthy blood sugar levels (16Trusted Source, 17Trusted Source

  • The Autoimmune Paleo Lifestyle (AIP)

    paleo diet (AIP) both focus on whole, nutrient-dense foods, and eliminate processed foods and refined sugars

  • Have you had a workup like this? 52-year-old female that is REALLY suffering!

    Her triglycerides and glucose levels indicated issues with blood sugar regulation, as did her heightened

  • Floxie Hope: Dr. Nasi MD's Journey and Treatment for Fluoroquinolone Side Effects

    Red blood cell abnormalities, bacterial infections, inflammation markers, erratic blood sugar levels,

  • Moderna Booster Shot: Uncovered Myocarditis Risks | 1 in 35 Affected!

    With a whopping 2.84 million subscribers, this guy tells it as it is, without sugar-coating the truth

  • Mold Side Effects: Unveiling the Hidden Culprit Behind Chronic Conditions

    Furthermore, we noticed that her blood sugar levels teetered on the cusp of pre-diabetes.

  • Balance Your Hormones: Understanding PCOS, Menstrual Cycle, and Testosterone Levels in Women

    Testosterone Many factors can drive testosterone high, including: Poor gut health Elevated insulin High blood sugar

  • Achilles Tendon Pain? Causes and Solutions

    your homocysteine level DMSO with hydronic acid DMSO with magnesium App do you have mold What are your sugar

  • Are Cholesterol-lowering drugs (statins) dangerous?

    This added note read, “That means in a large clinical study, 3% of patients taking a sugar pill or placebo

  • Understanding Neuroinflammation: Symptoms, Causes, and Effective Treatment Approaches (Part 4)

    A1C and fasting insulin levels: These tests can help assess blood sugar control and insulin resistance

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